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A Contemporary Resurrection Reflection: Life is Changed
John A. Dick, Ph.D., S.T.D. April, 2015
Around 33 CE, Jesus of Nazareth was executed in Jerusalem by the Roman authorities, with the collusion as well by certain Jewish leaders. Jesus had a way of upsetting people more committed to religion than to faith. After his death, the women (first) and the men who were his disciples experienced him very much alive.
Jesus of Nazareth was not raised from the dead like a resuscitated corpse. After death on the cross, his followers experienced him alive in a new way: alive in God in a new form of life far beyond the restrictions of a physical body and the imaginations of the human mind. Jesus' resurrection introduced a major paradigm change in understanding the human condition: life is stronger than death, love is stronger than hatred, people more important than regulations, and the old regulations don't work anymore.
Far too many people require the existence of the bad against whom they then secure their own goodness, living in a perpetual state of self-righteous comparison and judgment. Every day in the news, we see examples of "Christians" proclaiming their "goodness" by denigrating others as bad.
This past week Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed into law a sweeping bill allowing individuals to use religion as an excuse to discriminate against LGBT people and other minorities. Legislators from Arizona to Indiana have now conceded that the intent of their bills, on behalf of "religious liberty," is to protect business owners from having to serve gays and lesbians.
Closer to home in the Catholic camp, Cardinal Raymond Burke has spoken out again, telling an interviewer that gay couples and divorced and remarried Catholics, who are trying to live good and faithful lives, are still living in sin just like "the person who murders someone and yet is kind to other people."
Far too often, Christians too easily and too comfortably forget what Jesus was all about. Jesus refused to allow himself to be designated as good (Mark 10:18). He understood God to be unconcerned with our division of each other into good and bad categories, because God "makes the sun rise on the evil as on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45) and gives the worker, who has worked least in the fields, the same wage as the one who had worked longest (Matthew 20:1-16).
In his life and ministry, Jesus was not simply proposing a new principle of moral life, or a new form of judgment within an alternative system of goodness. Jesus was making available a far deeper way of being Good.
One could argue, perhaps, that the antidote to the moral and spiritual danger self-justification and self-righteousness would be to refuse to prescribe norms of goodness, since without norms there would be no bases for envious comparison and assessment. The problem however is that a mere rejection of norms would not transform the dynamic that underlies the human tendency towards envy, competition, and threatening others. It is precisely this tendency that is inimical to the possibility of true human fellowship, true Goodness.
What then is the deeper order of Goodness to which Jesus gives us access? Jesus opened up new possibilities for human being that are interdependent, with the possibility of participating in God's Goodness: a Goodness beyond categorizing people as good and evil.
Jesus himself modeled freedom from any project of self-making, entrusting himself entirely to God as the source of his life and meaning. By freely allowing himself to become the victim of the system of goodness in his day, Jesus was able to unmask the mechanism by which the identity and the goodness of the group was secured by denigrating the designated other. Indeed, many people become victims of systems that reinforce the identity and goodness of one group at the expense of those who are cast out.
As Paul reminded the Galatians (3:13) "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'" Through his own exercises of hospitality and his resurrection from the dead, Jesus enacts God's endlessly giving life in the human world; and he invites the disciples to "follow me" in that same trusting dependence. Just as the mystical tradition has discovered it: as the self comes to know and embrace its own nothingness, it can finally authentically become itself and receive the fullness of being. Happy Easter!
Some things we have been reading |
How Pope Francis could help Obama on the Iranian deal
John L. Allen Jr. Apr.7, 2015
Popes generally use their Easter Urbi et Orbi address, "to the city and the world," to pray for peace amid global conflicts. Francis followed that tradition on Sunday, among other things commenting on a tentative nuclear deal between the P5+1 nations, including the United States, and Iran.
The pontiff said, "In hope we entrust to the merciful Lord the framework recently agreed to in Lausanne, that it may be a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world." That may not amount to a direct endorsement, but it's certainly more favorable than the commentary coming from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or Republicans in Congress about the outline for an accord reached April 2 in Switzerland, not to mention Iranian hardliners who see it as a threat to their national interests. . . . .First of all, Pope Francis has plenty of political capital at the moment because of his high approval ratings and perceptions of his moral authority. He also has a proven capacity to translate that capital into results, as his role in restoring relations between the United States and Cuba illustrates.
If Francis were to lend his seal of approval to the nuclear deal, even campaigning for it in the oblique but unmistakable way popes sometimes do on political matters, it could move the needle in terms of public opinion.
On a more long-term basis, the Vatican may be the global institution with the best shot at rebuilding trust between Iran and the West. . . . .This isn't to say the Vatican is uncritical in its approach to Iran. Above all, Pope Francis has become increasingly outspoken about anti-Christian violence, and Iran's ambiguous relationship with radical forces that often target Christians and other minorities is a source of burning concern.
Yet the Vatican nonetheless favors keeping lines of communication open, and the interest is clearly reciprocated by Tehran. Diplomatic relations between Iran and the Holy See date to 1954, making them 30 years older than US/Vatican ties, and the Iranian embassy to the Holy See is well-known in Rome for its large staff and activist spirit. . . . .In a small but telling sign, Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who heads the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, recently met with a delegation of high-level Iranian women including Shahindokht Molaverdi, vice-president for women and family affairs. When the Iranians floated the idea of attending the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September, an event Pope Francis will attend, Paglia immediately embraced it.
As a result, when Francis visits the United States, he's set to bring an Iranian delegation in his wake. Not many world leaders could wrap such a gesture into their American debut without triggering a diplomatic fracas. |
Salvadoran general linked to deaths of US churchwomen faces deportation
Linda Cooper & James Hodge Apr.8, 2015
A former Salvadoran defense minister who's been living in Florida for 25 years is a step closer to deportation after the highest U.S. immigration appeals court found he covered up torture and murder by his troops, including the 1980 murders of four U.S. churchwomen by members of the National Guard.
The March 11 ruling by the Board of Immigration Appeals upheld a deportation order against Gen. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, head of the National Guard from 1979 to 1983 and Minister of Defense from 1983 to 1989.
The board also upheld the principle of "command responsibility," saying that "he participated in the commission of particular acts of torture and extrajudicial killing of civilians" by the fact that they "took place while he was in command." He knew about them but "did not hold the perpetrators accountable," the board said. . . . .The board's decision on Vides Casanova is significant not only for its use of the concept of "command responsibility," but also for the fact that the general was once a close ally of the United States, and the highest-ranking military commander successfully prosecuted under a provision of the 2004 law.
He was the recipient of two Legion of Merit awards by the Reagan administration and was given safe haven by the Bush administration to live in Florida, where his wife, Lourdes, owned considerable property. His profile was made even higher by his father-in-law, Prudencio Llach Schonenberg, who was a coffee baron and the Salvadoran ambassador to the Vatican during the time Vides Casanova was the most powerful man in the military. In the case of the churchwomen, the board relied, in part, on the 1993 U.N. Truth Commission report. That report concluded that Vides Casanova "knew that members of the National Guard had committed the murders" of Maryknoll Srs. Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sr. Dorothy Kazel, and lay missionary Jean Donovan, but he "made no serious effort to conduct a thorough investigation." |
Burundi's Catholic Church steps in as leader hangs tough
Aude Genet Mar.29, 2015
The Sunday service at the hill-top Kiryama church was packed as Catholic Archbishop Simon Ntamwana delivered a sermon, and a political bombshell, for the small central African nation of Burundi.
Addressing a congregation of hundreds in his central Burundi parish, Ntamwana read from the Old Testament story of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah who rebelled against God and brought destruction on his kingdom.
"We cannot choose other paths than those of love and of mutual respect for the principles that govern our country," he said.
To his congregation the message was clear: President Pierre Nkurunziza must not stand for re-election in June.
Days before, leaders of the influential Catholic Church penned a newspaper commentary criticising the president's desire for what opponents say would be an unconstitutional third five-year term.
In the article, Burundi's Catholic leaders warned that the country must not "fall back into divisions, clashes or war" and recalled that a peace deal that ended the civil war in 2006 and put Nkurunziza in office only allowed for two terms.
Officials from Burundi's ruling party, the CNDD-FDD, admit the statement has caused "immense damage" to the presidential camp, already hit by accusations of running an election campaign characterised by censorship and repression.
"Catholics represent between 75 and 80 percent of the population, so it is a social force, an influential force," said Julien Nimubona, a political science professor at Burundi University in the capital Bujumbura. |
Can Francis break the US climate change stalemate?
John Gehring Apr.7, 2015
For decades now, scientists have raised increasingly urgent warnings about human-induced climate change. Headlines grow more ominous every day. Global carbon emissions are at record levels. Water shortages, including in the western United States, have reached crisis proportions. The Pentagon expects climate change to intensity global instability. The world's poor-those least responsible for the carbon emissions in the first place-are already paying the heaviest price. Even in the face of this stark reality, a growing number of Americans say global warming is not occurring, or rank the issue low in importance. This is both dispiriting and unsurprising. A well-funded climate denial industry, politicians nestled in their pockets, casts a cloud of doubt over the overwhelming scientific consensus that our world faces a threat of existential proportions.
Enter, Pope Francis.
If anyone can help break the stalemate over climate change and reach an audience far beyond the progressive choir, it's a global leader with approval ratings most politicians crave and the moral gravitas they usually lack. The first pope in history to take his name from Francis of Assisi - the saint most associated with poverty and reverence of nature - is working on a highly anticipated encyclical focused on the environment, expected to be released in early summer. When it comes to the Catholic Church, Francis is not exactly a maverick on this issue. . . . .While Pope Francis is clearly following in the tradition of his predecessors, he will make a much bigger splash by becoming the first pope in history to issue a lengthy encyclical about the environment. From the start of his pontificate, Pope Francis has linked what he calls an "economy of exclusion and inequality" with ecological devastation. "An economic system centered on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it," he told a meeting of social movements last fall. Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is one of several Vatican officials helping Pope Francis shape his encyclical. "The threats that arise from global inequality and the destruction of the environment are inter-related, and they are the greatest threats we face as a human family today," Turkson said in a recent speech. Expectations are high. . . . . The first pope from Latin America will likely find his toughest audience in the United States, a country he will visit for the first time this fall. Some conservatives are already throwing punches. The pope is part of "the radical green movement that is at its core anti-Christian, anti-people, and anti-progress," writes Stephen Moore, a Catholic who is an economist at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. Robert George of Princeton University, a prominent Catholic philosopher, argues that the pope should steer clear of an area where-in his own misguided view-the science is unsettled.
Powerful Catholic politicians are climate change skeptics. Speaker John Boehner, who invited the pope to address a joint session of Congress, routinely blasts the Obama administration for "job killing" environmental policies. "The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical," the graduate of Xavier University, a Jesuit college in Ohio, has scoffed. Read more |
Trial ordered over possession dispute at Scituate church
Sean P. Murphy Mar.28, 2015
A 10-year-long standoff between dozens of parishioners of a Scituate Catholic church and the Archdiocese of Boston appears to be heading for a trial, with both sides expected to assert that they are the rightful owners of the church.
The Boston Archdiocese officially closed St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church in 2004, as part of a consolidation amid declines in attendance and funding. But parishioners devoted to the church never left: they have conducted a vigil, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, hoping for a reprieve from the closure order.
The archdiocese recently filed a lawsuit asking a court to find that the parishioners are trespassing and to order them out of the church. With the suit, they filed a request for a preliminary injunction, which if granted would have evicted the parishioners pending a trial on the trespassing issue.
On Friday, Judge Edward P. Leibensperger declined to issue an injunction and instead ordered the parties to go to trial, beginning with a conference scheduled for April 2 in Norfolk Superior Court and the trial within 30 days of that.
But Leibensperger's order imposes severe limits on the issues that the parishioners can raise. The trial will be limited to the archdiocese's "proof that it has the right to possession" of the church, the judge wrote. . . . .In addition, Leibensperger wrote, the trial "will not concern defendants' arguments that they somehow are equitable owners of the Church or that the Church should be held for them under the legal theory that the archdiocese holds the church for the parishioners in trust." Mary Beth Carmody, an attorney for the parishioners, said they look forward to a trial. |
Mass. bishops oppose death penalty in Boston Marathon bombing case
Christopher S. Pineo & Gregory L. Tracy Apr.6, 2015
As the trial of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went to the jury April 6, the bishops of Massachusetts have released astatement reiterating the Church's teaching on the death penalty. If convicted, Tsarnaev could be sentenced to death or life without the possibility of parole. Tsarnaev has been on trial in federal court in Boston since March 4, were prosecutors have presented evidence that he and his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev planted the bombs that exploded on April 15, 2013 near the finish line at the Boston Marathon, wounding more than 260 people and killing 8-year-old Martin Richard of Dorchester; 29-year-old Medford native Krystle Campbell; and Lu Lingzi, 23, a Chinese national studying at Boston University. Later, Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer Sean Collier was killed as the brothers attempted to escape from the Boston area.
In their statement, the bishops acknowledged the profound effect of the bombings and their aftermath has had on Greater Boston community. |
The new Missal has failed
Bishop Donald Trautman Mar.24, 2015
I add my voice and prayer to Fr O'Collins SJ, call for the 1998 English Missal translation, which was approved by more than two-thirds of the United States bishops, to replace the present failed text of the New Roman Missal.
In his address to the bishops of Brazil in 2013, Pope Francis remarked: "At times we lose people because they don't understand what we are saying, because we have forgotten the language of simplicity and impart an intellectualism foreign to our people."
That statement is clearly verified on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception when the New Missal prayer over the Offertory reads: "On account of your prevenient grace". "Prevenient grace" is a technical theological term that neither priest nor people understand.
In the New Missal we have these words: consubstantial, incarnate, oblation, conciliation, ineffable, unfeigned, and so on. And yet the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, which came out of the Second Vatican Council, declared: "The rites should be distinguished by a noble simplicity, they should be short, clear - and they should be within the people's powers of comprehension and normally should not require much explanation" (paragraph 34). These words of an Ecumenical Council trump any document of a curial congregation on translation. . . . .Our translated text is intended for prayer, worship, and lifting up the heart and mind to God. If a translation - no matter how exact - does not communicate in the living language of the liturgical assembly, it fails as a translation. The believer must be able to make the prayer his or her own. St Jerome, the great doctor of the Sacred Scriptures, who spent 20 years translating the Bible into Latin, was not a literalist. He said: "If I translate word by word, it sounds absurd." |
Where did the Indiana law come from? A brief history of religious freedom
Jay Michaelson Apr.1, 2015
Before this week, few people had heard of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act or could even pronounce its acronym, RFRA (Riff-ra), even though there's a federal version of the law and 20 states have passed their own versions. Is it a "license to discriminate," as liberals claim, or a "protection of religious freedom," as conservatives claim? In fact, it's both.
There are three sources for Indiana's RFRA: the religious exemptions movement, RFRA's own history and, most recently, the Hobby Lobby case.
First, the idea of religious exemptions to civil rights laws is as old as civil rights laws themselves. In the 1970s, for example, conservative Christian organizations demanded exemptions to the Civil Rights Act and similar laws. The most famous of these was Bob Jones University, which maintained race-based admissions and housing policies all the way into the 1990s. The Supreme Court dealt these organizations a blow, however, when it upheld an IRS decision to strip Bob Jones of tax-exempt status. . . . .The second root of Indiana's crisis is RFRA itself. In 1993, the federal RFRA was passed in response to a Supreme Court case that found Native Americans guilty of drug laws for having ingested peyote. This seemed like the wrong result to a wide variety of people, and so when RFRA passed, it was nearly unanimous -- supported as much by Democrats as Republicans. What RFRA did -- in the federal and later in state versions -- was change the way courts interpreted competing rights claims. It replaced the balancing test that the Supreme Court had used in the Native American case with a much more exacting standard, requiring a "compelling state interest" justifying a ban on religious practice, an action "narrowly tailored" to that interest, and the "least restrictive" means of pursuing it. This is a very high standard, and it's meant to block all but a few government actions. . . . .That all changed in the 2000s as conservative activists began using RFRA in a new way: as a sword, rather than a shield. Now, they argued, my religious belief should trump your civil rights. Gays and lesbians may see the florist's refusal as discrimination, but she sees it as freedom of religion.
These two streams -- religious exemptions and RFRA -- converged in the Hobby Lobby case, decided last year.
That was a game-changer. With the court's imprimatur, a host of lawsuits were filed around the country using RFRA to defend against claims of discrimination. Those lawsuits are still ongoing. Which brings us to Indiana. Yes, as Gov. Mike Pence has said many times, 19 other states also have RFRAs. But Indiana is only the second state, after Mississippi, to pass one in the new, post-Hobby Lobby reality.
Arizona's governor vetoed that state's version, Oklahoma dropped its, and Georgia and Texas appear poised to reject their versions. Late Tuesday afternoon, though, Arkansas passed its own RFRA measure, which will now go to Gov. Asa Hutchinson for his signature or veto. Now, is Pence right that this law is just about protecting religious freedom? Or are his opponents right that it's about legalizing discrimination? . . . .On the surface, Pence is correct. The law prohibits government restriction of religious exercise without a compelling state interest.
In reality, though, this law and others like it have been advanced by social conservatives who repeatedly give examples about LGBT people: a photographer in New Mexico found guilty of civil rights laws for turning a gay couple away, a baker in Colorado, a florist in Washington, that church-owned pavilion in New Jersey. These are all actual, not hypothetical, cases. . . . .One resolution to this conflict might be to remember that corporations have to play by the rules of the marketplace. This is not what the Supreme Court said in Hobby Lobby, but it might help the photographer who feels sincerely torn. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, the Bible says -- anti-discrimination law included. . . . . Really, though, the Indiana case is about politics, not religious philosophy. Pence is an ambitious politician, and he gave his conservative backers what they wanted. Now it all may backfire. Seventy-five percent of Americans oppose discrimination against LGBT people, even though only 55 percent support same-sex marriage. Moreover, while America remains a uniquely religious nation, it also respects the rule of law. And letting people discriminate because of religion is not what the rule of law is about. |
Pope under pressure to roll back on abuse case bishop
AFP Mar.28, 2015
Pope Francis's decision to appoint a Chilean bishop suspected of protecting a paedophile priest has alarmed the Vatican's own child protection watchdog, its members told AFP. Several members of the new commission set up by the pope to stamp out child abuse in the Catholic Church expressed their shock at the decision, with pressure building up for the decision to be overturned.
Juan Barros, who took up his post as Bishop of Osorno last Saturday, has denied that he knew about the abuse committed by Fernando Karadima, once an influential figure within the Chilean church. . . . .Another source said that the pope may have been badly advised.
British commission member Peter Saunders, founder of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, told the US National Catholic Reporter that "one of two of us are suggesting we go to Rome to talk with the pope."
The pope had pledged to crack down hard on the culture of cover up within the Church, and had personally taken up the cases of abuse victims in Spain and Italy recently. |
Archbishop Chomali: Pope Francis was confident in appointing Chilean bishop
CNA Mar.28, 2015
Both the Archbishop of Concepcion and the apostolic nuncio to Chile have maintained that Pope Francis understood all the facts in the case when he made a bishop appointment in the country earlier this year which has met with protests. The Chilean Archbishop Fernando Chomali Garib of Concepcion said Thursday that Pope Francis "told me he had analyzed all the past records and that there was no objective reason at all" that Bishop Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid "should not be installed as the diocesan bishop." . . . . Bishop Barros' installation was marred by a group of protesters who are accusing him of having covered up sexual abuses committed by Father Fernando Karadima, a charge the prelate denied numerous times. Bishop Barros' vocation was fostered by Fr. Karadima, and he was among his closest circle of friends decades ago. Archbishop Chomali explained that he gave Pope Francis a "document with detailed information on the consequences of the appointment he had made. All the documentation that I cited came to him, whether through the nunciature or the Chilean embassy to the Holy See. He was very much up to date on Bishop Barros' situation, and in fact a few days prior he had spoken with him." |
Mary McAleese hits out at 'misogyny'of Pope
Shaun Connolly, Mar.18, 2015
In outspoken remarks regarding the attitudes of the Catholic Church, the ex-head of State insisted that the Pope is "blind" to improving the role of women.
Ms McAleese caused a stir in 2013 when she condemned the Vatican's attitude to gay rights. While saying she admires Pope Francis, the former president urged a radical change in the Church's thinking towards women.
"There is a blindness here that comes from a kind of a priestly formation that leaves so many good, decent, gentlemanly men like Francis still carrying an element, a residual element, of misogyny that closes them off to the dangers of not dealing with these issues," Ms McAleese told RTÉ.
"I think that's where there's a problem with Francis, I don't think that he gets it. Still. He's very gentlemanly, he's a lovely person, everybody likes him and women like him. We love his smile, we love his openness, we love his accessibility, we love his frankness, we love the ease of him. But we also know that that's not enough."
She said the rights issue went further than the ban on women priests. . . . ."I'm talking about an altogether different phenomenon and that is the structure of a universal Church that comprises 1.2bn people, half of whom are women, and who do not have appropriate vehicles at parish, diocesan or universal level that fully respect the role they play in the Church or could play in the Church," Ms McAleese said.
She previously caused a stir by stating that "a very large number" of Catholic priests are gay and the Church is in denial about the fact. "It isn't so much the elephant in the room but a herd of elephants," she said. |
Ultra-traditional Catholics rebel against pope in Brazil: 'He is less Catholic than us'
Jonathan Watts & Stephanie Kirchgaessner Apr.1, 2015
In a secluded monastery in south-eastern Brazil, a breakaway group of ultra-conservative Catholics gathered to participate in an act of rebellion against the pope. . . . . But the 50 or so priests, Benedictine monks, nuns and other worshippers who file into Santa Cruz monastery on Saturday were no ordinary congregation. Hailing from Europe, the US and Latin America, they described themselves as a "resistance" movement against Vatican reforms.
In favour of Latin services - and fiercely opposed to ecumenism, freedom of religion and closer relations with Judaism - they had come to defy the authority of Rome with the ordination of a new priest by an excommunicated bishop, Jean-Michel Faure. . . . .After the mass, Faure told the Guardian the Vatican was smashing tradition, and going against the teachings of Pius X, a staunch conservative who was pope between 1903 and 1914.
"We do not follow that revolution. The current pope is preaching doctrine denied by Pius X. He is less Catholic than us," he said. "He does not follow the doctrine of the faith that are the words of Jesus Christ."
The Vatican's response to the ordination was unequivocal.
"Excommunication is automatic," a spokesman said. He added: "For the Holy See, the diocese of Santa Cruz in Nova Friburgo does not exist. Faure can say what he wants, but a Catholic, and even more so a bishop, obeys and respects the pope." |
It's not Vatican II's fault
Stephen Bullivant Mar.27, 2015
Half of baptised Catholics never attend Mass and a third claim to have 'no religion'. But it would be wrong to point the finger at the great ecumenical council.
It is no secret that a great many baptised Catholics are, in the parlance of one of our bishops, "resting".
Forty-eight per cent never attend Mass; one in three claims to have "no religion". A moment's reflection, however, confirms that it cannot ever have been thus. The Catholic birthrate would need to be vastly above average (it isn't) to break even, let alone grow, in the face of such attrition. So when, exactly, did the haemorrhage begin? And why? . . . .Fortunately, I am not a cynic. And nor, I think, need you be. Post Concilium, ergo propter Concilium - the notion that because something happened after the council it is necessarily caused by the council - is by no means so obvious as such statistics might suggest. This is so for two reasons.
The plummeting graph lines one sees from the 1960s onwards (in all areas of Church life, not just regarding identity) are not at all exclusive to Catholicism. . . . . They all show the same pattern: consistent levels in the first half of the 20th century, perhaps even with a slight rise in the late 1950s, and then swift and unambiguous decline, from the 1960s to the present day.
Similar stories can be told for every major denomination - only one of which, be it noted, held an ecumenical council at more or less the watershed moment. What it was about the 1960s that precipitated all this is keenly debated among sociologists and social historians. Strangely though, none of them regard either guitar Masses or female altar servers as the primary drivers. . . . .Nevertheless, the beginnings of our current pastoral crises assuredly predate the council, and in any case - as noted above - they are by no means Catholic-specific. (We might also observe that at least in certain areas, such as retention and church attendance, Catholics are doing somewhat better than most denominations.)
To accuse Vatican II of being the cause of disaffiliation and "resting", therefore, is rather like blaming Trent for the rise of Protestantism. |
Robert Blair Kaiser passes, at 84, on Holy Thursday
Thomas C. Fox Apr.3, 2015
Robert Blair Kaiser, journalist and inveterate church lover and critic, died at the age of 84 in a hospice center in Phoenix yesterday, on Holy Thursday, with daughter, sons, and grandchildren at his bedside. . . . . Nearly a decade in the Jesuit order, Kaiser left to become a journalist, covering the Second Vatican Council for Time magazine, and going on to write a half dozen books about church post-conciliar life. . . . .He pressed for reform to the last breaths of his life, a computer on his chest while hooked up to oxygen. In recent months he was finishing a book on Dominican Father Tom Doyle, who for forty years has been one of the church's most outspoken critics of clergy sex abuse. I worked with him, writing an epilogue for that book, "Whistle: Tom Doyle's Steadfast Witness for Victims of Clerical Sexual Abuse," set to be published in June.
Kaiser, lecturer and author, found every vehicle he could to fan the flames of church reform. He was the editor of Just Good Company, an online journal of religion and culture, and co-founder of takebackourchurch.org, a web community of American Catholics whose stated mission was to seek "ownership and citizenship in the people's church envisioned at Vatican II." The group advocated the election of local bishops and the power to dismiss them. More recently, he co-founded Catholic Church Reform International, with which American Catholic Council, another church reform group, is associated. . . . . The council was a high mark in Kaiser's life, shaping it indelibly. It was also one of its darkest chapters. During those years, Kaiser and his wife hosted a friend, Jesuit Father Malachy Martin, who betrayed Kaiser, running off with his wife. That betrayal tortured Kaiser for many years. Four decades after the episode he wrote about it in a personal book called "Clerical Error."
If Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI were primarily responsible for thwarting the winds of conciliar reform in Kaiser's eyes, Pope Francis, now two years into his pontificate has been its principle prelate conveyor of fresh hope. . . . .Last year, Kaiser published "Inside the Jesuits: How Pope Francis Is Changing the Church and the World," a work in which the author argued that Francis' "Jesuit DNA" is central to understanding his vision of church and its place in the wider world.
Throughout the book Kaiser emphasized not only that Francis is different from his predecessors, but also that the nature of this difference lies precisely in the fact that he is a Jesuit. The book once again allowed Kaiser to write personally about his own experience as a Jesuit, an experience that shaped his own DNA.
Kaiser was among the last of the journalists to have reported the Second Vatican Council and with his death, a rich and lonely living memory of that epic church event is being silenced, the reforms Kaiser sought still remaining to be fulfilled.
A wake and celebration of his life will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday April 9 at Santa Lucia Yaqui Church, 5445 E Calle San Angelo, in Guadalupe, AZ 85283. A Mass will be celebrated at 1:30 p.m., Friday April 10 at Francis Xavier Church, 4715 N Central Ave., in Phoenix, AZ 85012 Kaiser worked to the very end on the OMG! Journal of Religion and Culture of which he wasEditor and Publisher and which was issued April 1. |
NCR 'stalwart' Bob McClory dies on Good Friday
Thomas C. Fox Tom Roberts Apr.3, 2015
Decades-long National Catholic Reporter contributor, Robert J. McClory, died April 3, Good Friday, in Chicago, after being anointed by a parish priest. Humorous to the end, wife, Margaret, said Bob told the priest: "Hurry up; make it quick." He was 82.
Arthur Jones, McClory's first NCR editor in the late 1970s, recalled him as, "a fluid writer, a disciplined and diligent reporter who earned the readerships' respect."
Tom Fox, NCR editor who worked with McClory in the 1980s and 1990s, remembered him "as a journalist with a passion for justice, a person able to find humor in all things."
Tom Roberts, NCR editor who worked with McClory from 2000 to 2008, said McClory "handled a huge range of material with a firm command of church history and theology, a pro's pro."
NCR Editor Dennis Cody called him "an admirable stalwart to the end. ... He was pitching me a story just weeks ago."
McClory fell three weeks ago, entered a hospital, developed a bacterial infection in an artificial knee, and continue to weaken. "He died peacefully," said Margaret, adding that he passed after his daughter, Jennifer, her partner, Sarah Klein, and their daughter, Rose, had arrived for a visit.
Robert Joseph McClory grew up on the first floor of a brick, two-flat building in Chicago, attending a Catholic elementary school and studying five years at Quigley Preparatory Seminar before graduating in 1951. He attended St. Mary of the Lake Seminary and was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1958.
McClory served as associate pastor at Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity Church, Winnetka, Ill. for six years and at St. Sabina Church in Chicago until 1971 when he resigned from the priesthood, later marrying Margaret McComish that year.
McClory turned to journalism, getting a degree from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. He then became a reporter and feature writer and later, city editor for the Chicago Daily Defender and the Chicago Reader in the 1970s. . . . .He also wrote for the Chicago Magazine, US Catholic, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Catholic Digest, Student Lawyer, Illinois Times, and the Chicago Lawyer. McClory was author of nine books, including "The Man Who Beat Clout City (1977)," "Turning Point: the Inside Story of the Papal Birth Control Commission" (1995), "Power and the Papacy" (1997), "Faithful Dissenters: Men and Women Who Loved and Changed the Church" (2000), "As It Was in the Beginning: the Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church" (2007), "Radical Disciple: FatherPfleger, St. Sabina Church and the Fight for Social Justice" (2011), and "From the Back of the Pews to the Front of the Class" (2013). He was co-author of the play "Haunted by God: The Life of Dorothy Day."
A disciple of the Second Vatican Council, he was always concerned about church reform and was a founding member and longtime board member of the Catholic Chicago-based reform group, Call to Action. |
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Francis eschews his own safety to back the 'three saints of Bangui'
John L. Allen Jr. Nov.22, 2015
Francis departs Wednesday for a five-day trip to Africa, one that's supposed to take him to Kenya and Uganda before ending with a Nov. 29-30 stop in the Central African Republic.
One has to say "supposed to" because it's still not certain that Francis will actually make it to the war-torn CAR. The Vatican on Thursday insisted the pope fully intends to go, but also acknowledged that it is monitoring the security situation.
Assuming Francis proceeds, the trip will mark the first time a pope has visited an active war zone. The CAR descended into violence two and a half years ago when mainly Muslim rebels seized power, backed by forces from Chad and Sudan, sparking reprisal killings by largely Christian militias.
Some 5,000 civilians have died in the conflict, and one-quarter of the population of 4.6 million has been displaced. Just last week, 22 more people were killed in gunfights in rural villages.
Against that backdrop, Francis's visit represents one of the bolder things a pope has done in recent memory. His roll of the dice is even more dramatic given his current plan to visit a mosque in a Muslim neighborhood considered a no-go zone because it is dominated by jihadist forces.
Part of the reason for the pontiff's resolve lies with his hosts, especially the "three saints of Bangui," referring to the capital city.
The three are the Rev. Nicolas Guerekoyame-Gbangou, president of the Evangelical Alliance; Imam Oumar Kobine Layama, president of the Islamic Council; and Archbishop Diedonné Nzapalainga of Bangui, president of the Catholic bishops' conference.
They represent the main religious options in a country where 50 percent of the population is Protestant, 30 percent Catholic, and 15 percent Muslim. Remarkably, they were fast friends even before the conflict broke out, and they've only deepened those bonds since.
Together, they've traveled the country visiting areas plagued by violence, holding community meetings to rebuild trust. They promote a string of "peace schools" where children of all religions can study, as well as health care centers open to all faiths.
. . . .The three men repeatedly have put their lives on the line. Last February, for example, they visited a Bangui church for a dialogue session. When they arrived, an outraged crowd was instead planning a lynching, after learning that an imam had been driven to the site by a former member of the Seleka.
The clerics escorted the man into the church and refused to surrender him. They were surrounded by an angry mob from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., without food or water, until peacekeepers came to their rescue.
The risks aren't occasional, but constant.
. . . .If peace comes to the Central African Republic, most observers believe the three saints of Bangui will deserve a strong share of the credit. In an era in which religion is often seen as a source of conflict, they offer a powerful counter-example that it can be every bit as much a part of the solution.
It would seem that for Pope Francis, shining a spotlight on this remarkable inter-faith friendship is worth running a few risks himself.
Some African Catholics call on pope to let priests marry
Tonny Onyulo Nov.23, 2015
Throngs of Roman Catholics are expected to greet Pope Francis when he visits East Africa this week.
But the Rev. Anthony Musaala won't be a part of the official welcoming delegation.
Two years ago, Ugandan Archbishop Cyprian Lwanga suspended Musaala indefinitely - barring him from administering the sacraments - when Musaala wrote an open letter that challenged his priestly vows of celibacy, condemned sexual abusers among the clergy and criticized priests who father children and abandon them.
. . . .Since then, the priest, a popular gospel singer and LGBT activist, has become a champion of efforts in Uganda to overturn church celibacy rules and oppose anti-gay laws.
"We will ensure the pope hears our voices on the issues of celibacy," said Musaala.
. . . .Musaala and his supporters pushed unsuccessfully for repeal of Uganda's infamous 2013 "Kill the Gays" law, which called for life sentences for "aggravated homosexuality" and seven-year prison terms for the promotion of homosexuality. The country's constitutional court overturned the law last year on technical grounds. Ugandan lawmakers are now considering new legislation.
The petition drive advocating marriage for priests comes as the Ugandan Catholic Church has been cracking down on Musaala and his fellow activists. Last month, Lwanga suspended several other priests for suggesting that Catholic priests should marry.
By denying priests permission to marry, the church is rejecting thousands of young men who otherwise would heed the call to holy orders in Africa, home of the world's fastest-growing Catholic population, Musaala is convinced. Meanwhile, he added, numerous Ugandan priests now live openly with wives and families anyway.
. . . .At the shrine in Namugongo, where Francis is slated to address around 1,000 lay Catholics on his visit to Uganda, Vincent Ogalo elicited cheers as he spoke before a crowd of petition supporters.
"I prefer priests to marry to avoid cases of adultery in our churches," he said. "My wife was snatched by one of the local priests after having stayed together in marriage for five years."
Religious women are especially targeted by sexually frustrated priests, Ogalo continued. He believed the solution was properly satisfying the priests' desires.
. . . .
"We have always trusted them with our wives and daughters, who usually help them with various work in churches," added Ogalo. "They're not good people if allowed to stay without marrying. They are a threat to us."
. . . .Catholics in Africa hold on to traditional societal values that are at odds with some church doctrines, said Zacharia Wanakacha Samita, of the department of philosophy and religious studies at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya.
"People who choose not to marry, whether for religious reasons, as celibacy in the Catholic Church, or other practical reasons, do not easily find social acceptability in African society, largely because marriage and having children remains a core value," he said.
Using God's name to justify violence is 'blasphemy,' Pope Francis says
Elise Harris Nov.15, 2015
. . . .
"I wish to express my deep sorrow for the terrorist attacks which on Friday evening covered France in blood," the Pope said in his Nov. 15 Angelus address.
"Such barbarity leaves us shocked and makes us wonder how the human heart can conceive and carry out such horrible events, which have shaken not only France but the entire world."
Speaking to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope said that when faced with such "intolerable" acts of violence, one "cannot but condemn the disgraceful affront to human dignity."
. . . ."I wish to forcefully reaffirm that the path of violence and hate can never solve the problems of humanity!" he said, adding that "to use the name of God to justify this path is blasphemy."
Major changes coming for Roman Curia
Robert Mickens Nov.24, 2015
Pope Francis goes to Africa tomorrow for a six-day, three-nation apostolic journey that is supposed to culminate next Monday in Central African Republic, a country still in the throes of a brutal civil war.
. . . .
No matter how the trip unfolds, Francis will not be coming back to anything remotely considered "peace and quiet" in Rome.
Among other things, in the coming days and weeks he is set to announce some major personnel and structural changes in the Roman Curia and other Vatican-related departments.
. . . .First of all, it appears that Fr. Federico Lombardi, who has headed the Holy See Press Office since 2006, is going to retire by the end of December.
The 73-year-old Jesuit has also been running Vatican Radio since 1991 as its program director and since 2005 as its general director.
It's still not clear if Francis has decided to replace him at the press office with another member of their order, 49-year-old Jesuit Fr. Antonio Spadaro, or if he's opted to name Basilian Fr. Thomas Rosica, 56, to the post.
. . . .
But it is structural changes in the Vatican's media operations that will be turned up a few more notches next month when the newly created Secretariat for Communications leaves its temporary home at the Vatican Radio building and takes over the offices of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication. It's not clear if Mgr. Dario Viganò, the secretariat's prefect, will be named a bishop. The 53-year-old Milan priest, who is not related to the apostolic nuncio to the United States with the same name, is a specialist in film and television.
It seems this change of offices is confirmation that the pontifical council will be suppressed and its president, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, given a new post -- likely with the promise of a red hat. The career papal diplomat (he served in the Vatican nunciature in Argentina, among other places) will not be 75 until next July, but it's possible that he could be named Archpriest of St. Mary Major. The current titleholder is Cardinal Santo Abril y Costelló, a former nuncio who turned 80 last September.
. . . .In the coming days Archbishop Angelo Becciù, who has been the Sostituto or Deputy Secretary of State for internal affairs since 2011, will be appointed prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The red-hat post is a done deal for the 67-year-old Sardinian and former nuncio to Cuba. He will replace Cardinal Angelo Amato, 77, an Italian Salesian who was the No. 2 at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 2002-2008.
And who will get Becciù's job?
There is strong speculation that Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, who turns 57 in March and is currently papal nuncio to Lebanon, is the leading candidate to become the next Sostituto. He was the Assessore(or deputy to the Sostituto) from 2002 up until 2009 when he and his counterpart in the foreign section (does the name Pietro Parolin ring a bell?) were both sent away from Rome and into exile. Pope Francis wisely brought Parolin back to be his Secretary of State. By appointing Caccia he would be reuniting a duo that -- for at least their time -- successfully prevented the numerous disasters that would later plague the previous pontificate.
Meanwhile, the current Assessore, Msgr. Peter Wells of Oklahoma, is frequently mentioned as the next papal nuncio to the United Nations organizations based in Geneva, Switzerland. The witty and highly competent diplomat is 52 years old and due to be promoted to the episcopacy. He would replace Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, 75, who has held the extremely important U.N. post since 2003.
Pope Francis finally announced last month what everyone had known for more than a year -- that three existing structures would be combined to make one big office to deal with issues concerning the laity, family and human life. But up to now he has not said what exactly the new body will be (such as a congregation or a secretariat) or who will head it.
. . . .These are just some of the personnel changes Pope Francis will be making. There will be more, included with the official announcement that several current departments will be dissolved and folded into one big office for charity, justice and peace.
Expect other surprises, as well.
Up until now Pope Francis has purposely moved at a slow and deliberate pace. But it looks like he's about to hit the accelerator.
Five Indicted in Leak of Confidential Vatican Documents
Elisabetta Povoledo Nov.21, 2015
Vatican prosecutors on Saturday formally indicted five people in connection with the theft of confidential documents used to write two tell-all books describing purported mismanagement in the Roman Catholic Church's bureaucracy.
The five defendants were charged with "illegally procuring and successively revealing information and documents concerning the fundamental interests of the Holy See and the state," the Vatican said in a statement issued Saturday.
Msgr. Lucio Ángel Vallejo Balda, and Francesca Chaouqui, a laywoman, were part of a commission set up by Pope Francis to examine the Vatican's financial holdings and affairs. They were also charged with criminal conspiracy, as was Monsignor Vallejo Balda's assistant, Nicola Maio.
The authors of the two books - Gianluigi Nuzzi and Emiliano Fittipaldi - are accused of "demanding and exercising pressures, above all on Vallejo Balda, to obtain confidential documents and information, that in part they used to draft two books," according to the statement. The books, Mr. Nuzzi's "Merchants in the Temple" and Mr. Fittipaldi's "Avarice," were published this month.
. . . .The trial is to begin on Tuesday, and the defendants could face up to eight years in prison if convicted.
Vatican's foolish response to leaks
Thomas Reese Nov.24, 2015
The Vatican appears to be responding from the wrong playbook to the leaking of confidential documents. It is acting like a state rather than a church.
True, Vatican City is a state that can enact and prosecute laws, but it is also the central office of the Catholic church. In this case, it should act like a church not a state.
. . . .At the 70-minute initial hearing in a Vatican courtroom, the reporters protested that the trial violates their rights as journalists recognized in Italy, Europe, and by the United Nations.
The International Association of Journalists Accredited at the Vatican issued a statement Tuesday expressing "consternation and worry" that two journalists were being prosecuted for publishing leaked documents when "publishing news is exactly their work."
. . . .
Vatican employees who leak documents should not be prosecuted; they should be disciplined like any church employee who leaks confidential information. In the extreme, they could be fired, stripped of all titles and privileges, and even banned from working for any other church entity.
. . . .
Prosecuting journalists is even worse. It puts the Vatican in the company of authoritarian regimes who have no respect for freedom of the press. This is stupid and wrong. In addition, if the Italian journalists were convicted it is unlikely that Italy would extradite them to the Vatican. Why go through this farce?
. . . .
The government prosecution of the leaking of state secrets (with whistleblower exceptions) is legitimate depending on the damage the disclosure causes. If lives or national security are put at risk by the disclosure, criminal prosecution would be merited.
The financial documents leaked from the Vatican do not rise to the level of national security secrets.
Only if they make it impossible to prosecute financial crooks in the Vatican, would they rise to the level of a crime.
Certainly no one should be surprised at being fired for leaking confidential information (with whistleblower exceptions). This is true in government, business, and churches.
Pope steady despite a crazy, messed up month of scandal
Nicole Winfield Nov.12, 2015
The Vatican is no stranger to drama, intrigue or scandal. But even by Vatican standards, this has been one hell of a month.
Ever since Pope Francis returned from his triumphant visit to the United States, nearly every day has brought surreal revelations of bishops behaving badly, cardinals resisting reform and ideological battles over everything from the theology of marriage to the Vatican's cigarette sales.
By Wednesday, the Vatican had had enough and issued a series of statements disputing reports left and right, only to end the day with confirmation that two Italian journalists were now under investigation by Vatican magistrates for their involvement in the latest scandal over leaked documents.
. . . .Francis' crazy month began with a monsignor from the Vatican's doctrine office outing himself as gay (boyfriend by his side) and denouncing the "hypocrisy" of the church's doctrine on homosexuality the day before Francis opened his big bishop meeting on family life.
Then, 13 prominent cardinals penned a (leaked) missive to Francis warning that the Catholic Church risked collapse if he went ahead with his reformist agenda at the synod.
The soap opera continued with a report (denied) mid-way through the meeting that the pope had a brain tumor.
. . . .Hollywood couldn't make this stuff up - and yet Francis seems to be taking it all in stride.
. . . .
Despite the tumult, Francis has remained remarkably steady and determined, issuing an important mission statement this week outlining his vision of a church that shuns power, prestige and money in favor of solidarity with the poor and oppressed. Perhaps he knew that Italian prosecutors were just about to announce that the former abbot of the famed Montecassino monastery was under investigation for allegedly pocketing some 500,000 euros ($500,000), some of it public money destined for charity, to fund five-star hotel stays and dinners of oysters and champagne.
"He's not even afraid because he knows what he is doing," Francis' close collaborator, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras, said of the resistance in an interview in New York. "He's a man of prayer. He is a man of God. And so he's never disappointed by this kind of thing."
Massimo Faggioli, an Italian church historian joining the Villanova University's theology department next year, said much of the headline-grabbing news of the past month can be chalked up to Francis' radical agenda, the opposition it has found in some conservative circles of the church and the politicized nature of Italian journalism.
"Italian media, especially television and newspapers, are an integral part of the political system," Faggioli said in a phone interview. "We know there is strong opposition to Pope Francis in some quarters, so what is happening, what has been published, is part of that resistance."
. . . .The brain tumor report, Faggioli said, "is a symptom that they want us to think that this pope is doing things because he's losing his mind, that he doesn't have too long," he said. "It didn't work, but it tells you something about the environment."
The document leaks, by contrast, appear to only have strengthened Francis' hand by exposing the rot in the Vatican that he is trying to root out and the resistance he is facing by doing so. They also expose the internal power struggles going on as cardinals fight to hold onto turf and influence.
Catholics, Lutherans preparing joint Reformation anniversary event
Vatican Radio Niv.15, 2015
Pope Francis' visit to Rome's Lutheran church on Sunday reflects the "very good" ecumenical relations that have developed as Lutherans and Catholics prepare to commemorate together the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
That's the view of Rev Martin Junge, General Secretary of the World Lutheran Federation which is working together with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity on a joint 500th anniversary event to be held in Sweden in October 2016.
The event will build on the substantial progress presented in the 2013 joint document 'From Conflict to Communion' designed as a resource for Catholics and Lutherans marking both 500 years since the Reformation and 50 years since the start of the official dialogue between the two global Christian communities. That publication presents new perspectives on the theology of Martin Luther, explores controversial questions such as indulgences and sets out five ecumenical imperatives for witnessing to the Gospel together.
. . . .Asked about the divisions and conflict provoked by the Reformation, Rev Junge says Catholics and Lutherans can now celebrate the Gospel together and also affirm the "positive contributions and insights that the Lutheran Reformation brought to the surface in the body of Christ". However he says we cannot be blind to the divisions and the way in which those conflicts became aligned with the political struggles in Europe of that time, causing a lot of suffering to families and communities.
Francis suggests Lutherans might discern taking Catholic communion individually
Joshua J. McElwee Nov.16, 2015
Pope Francis has strikingly suggested that Lutherans married to Catholics can personally discern whether to take Communion in the Catholic church, saying it is not his role to give permission to such persons but to encourage them to listen to what God is telling them about their situations.
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The pope's words about the issue of communion for Lutherans will likely attract wide attention, as Catholic teaching currently prohibits members of other Christian denominations from taking communion in the church in normal circumstances.
Pope names first Catholic bishop to oversee Anglican ordinariate
Elise Harris Nov.24, 2015
Pope Francis has appointed Msgr. Steven Lopes, a Catholic priest from California, as the new bishop who will head the Anglican Ordinariate in the United States and Canada, making him the first Catholic prelate to hold the position.
Bishop-elect Lopes, 40, is originally from the Archdiocese of San Francisco in the United States, and currently serves as an official for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
He will be taking over for Msgr. Jeffrey N. Steenson, a former Episcopal bishop appointed by Benedict XVI in 2012 to shepherd the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
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A married Anglican priest can be ordained a Catholic priest but not a bishop. Instead, as in the case of Msgr. Steenson, they become an "ordinary," who carries all the authority of a bishop except that of being able to ordain priests.
Msgr. Lopes' appointment, then, marks the first time a Roman Catholic bishop has been named for any of the worlds' three Personal Ordinariates: Our Lady of Walsingham in the United Kingdom; the Chair of Saint Peter in the United States and Canada and Our Lady of the Southern Cross in Australia.
Catholic bishops revise voter guide after debate over 'Pope Francis agenda'
David Gibson Nov.17 2015
The nation's Catholic bishops on Tuesday (Nov. 17) passed an updated guide for Catholic voters ahead of next year's elections, but only after airing unusually sharp disagreements on how much they can, and should, adjust their priorities to match those of Pope Francis.
More than any other item on the agenda of the bishops' annual meeting here, the debate over the lengthy voter guide, called "Faithful Citizenship," revealed deep divides among the bishops and provided a snapshot of the extent of the "Francis effect" on the U.S. hierarchy.
In the most impassioned objection to the voter guide, San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy took the floor to argue that the document - which was a reworking of an 84-page treatise first written in 2007 - should be scrapped because it did not reflect the way that Francis has elevated the battle against poverty and for the environment as central concerns for the Catholic Church since his election in 2013.
. . . .Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockon, Calif., agreed that "the times have dramatically changed" and said the "cumbersome" new draft needed to be scrapped.
But members of the committee that spent nearly a year-and-a-half reworking the voter guide rejected the pushback.
"We still think it's effective," a clearly irritated Houston Cardinal Daniel DiNardo - chairman of the drafting committee and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - told Blaire and the other critics.
DiNardo also told the 240 bishops that the committee was only fulfilling the mandate it was given by the USCCB and said the panel had done its best to update the guide with references from Francis - although, he added in a spiky rejoinder to McElroy, "perhaps not to your satisfaction, and to the rhetorical flourishes which you bring."
Another member of the drafting committee, Hartford Archbishop Leonard Blair, also rejected the critiques, and he echoed comments by other conservatives who were disturbed by the idea that Francis has ushered in a "revolution" in Catholicism that their documents needed to reflect.
"There is kind of a rhetoric of regime change that is going on in the church" in the wake of the election of Francis in 2013, said Blair. "I think we have to be very, very wary of that."
Editorial: We need fearless discussion on women's ordination
NCR Editorial Staff Nov.13, 2015
In an interview with The Irish Catholic newspaper, former Irish President Mary McAleese calls Pope Francis "by far the most intriguing pope of my lifetime." She says, "His greatest legacy to the church has been his welcoming of debate after the stultifying and suffocating imposed silence" of his two immediate predecessors.
"I think Francis is allowing the church to breathe and that is a wonderful thing," she says. Many of us agree with that sentiment, as well as with the qualification that follows: On the issue of women, Francis has been unwilling to include or accompany the largest marginalized group in the community.
"My church's long history of misogyny" has more than once driven her to "looking at options," said McAleese, but she's never been able to actually leave. "The Catholic church is woven into me, and I relate to it, and for all its messiness it calls me home."
Many Catholics, women especially, but also men, resonate with McAleese's statement. Despite recognizing the injustice that surrounds them, many can't bring themselves to walk away from their home. The church hierarchy has counted on this reluctance to leave as a final measure of control, but these constraints are weakening, especially among younger Catholics.
The constraints on those who would speak up while remaining at home are also evidently weakening. A group of 12 Irish priests has issued a statement protesting the "strict prohibition" against speaking about the question of women's ordination, rightly noting that the Vatican decree simply has not worked. It is all but inhuman to demand that people not think about or discuss a question that is so compelling for so many.
. . . .Francis, while praising the "feminine genius" and calling for more roles for women in the structures of the church, has refused repeatedly to consider ordaining women, echoing his predecessors.
That door may be closed, but like the persistent widow in Luke's Gospel, we stand outside knocking and saying, "Render a just decision for me." We would urge Francis to lean heavily on that metaphor and perhaps find both reason and will to push the door open a bit.
He would find considerable support among Scripture scholars, theologians, quite a few bishops and probably even a cardinal or two should he allow the discussion to take place.
. . . .We must be persistent in reminding Francis, who advocates bold discussions and fearlessness in pursuing the truth, of his own words. Most recently in Florence, Italy, he warned against seeking solutions in "obsolete conduct and forms that no longer have the capacity of being significant culturally."
He and other church leaders must be convinced of two things:
First, we need bold, fearless discussion on the question of women's ordination. Simple declarations that "the door is closed" cannot be the answer.
Second, Francis and other church leaders must see that a ban on full participation by women in the church is obsolete and is no longer culturally significant.
URL (click for larger image) |
Ex-pastor Pohl pleads not guilty on child porn
Matthew Glowicki Nov.24, 2015
A former Louisville Roman Catholic pastor accused of violating federal child exploitation laws pleaded not guilty in federal court Tuesday.
Stephen Pohl, 57, is accused of viewing child pornography using computers where he lived and worked at the St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church office and rectory between January and August of this year.
Days after he resigned in August, Pohl was arrested in Florida and charged with the child porn charge via a criminal complaint brought by a Louisville Metro Police detective.
. . . .
Prosecutors allege warranted searches of the church office and rectory, 7813 Shelbyville Road, revealed Pohl viewed multiple pornographic online images of nude boys ranging in age from infancy to mid-teens, according to a criminal complaint.
None of those images were of students from St. Margaret Mary, prosecutors have said, though investigators noted they found more than 150 photos Pohl snapped of clothed students, some of which constituted child erotica, according to the complaint. However, no criminal charges have arisen from that allegation.
René Noël Girard RIP
Michael Kirwan SJ Nov.6, 2015
René Noël Théophile Girard was born in Avignon on Christmas Day, 1923. He died in California on 4 November 2015.
He leaves behind Martha, his wife of 64 years, three children, and nine grandchildren. As one of the most important Catholic thinkers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, he has left a precious intellectual legacy as 'the new Darwin of the human sciences', whose books offer a bold, sweeping vision of human nature, human history and human destiny.
Read more |
Crackling true-life drama, "Spotlight," catches investigative journalism at its best
Lindsey Bahr Nov.20, 2015
Mark Ruffalo never walks in "Spotlight." His very slowest is just shy of a flat out jog. It's a minor detail, but it's crucial to appreciating why this studied, smart look at Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation into the abuses of the Catholic Church is also utterly exhilarating.
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Of course, unlike an ongoing investigation, we know the outcome here already. The trick of "Spotlight" is making the potentially unsexy "how they got there" into not only one of the best movies of the year, but one of the best journalism movies of all time.
Spotlight refers to the paper's four person investigative team responsible for exposing the systematic cover-up of the pedophilia of more than 70 local priests - editor Walter "Robby" Robinson (Michael Keaton), reporters Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel McAdams) and Michael Rezendes (Mark Ruffalo), and researcher Matt Carroll (Brian d'Arcy James).
Director Tom McCarthy's movie presents a realistic, but still absorbing portrait of a close knit town and the well-meaning folks at the local paper who for years remained unwittingly complicit in the rampant abuse of power in the Church. "Spotlight" pulls off the tricky feat of detailing the tick-tock of it all, while also giving due respect to the victims, the enablers and the believers.
It takes the arrival of a true outsider to challenge everyone to look a little harder at what's happening. In this case, it's the Globe's new editor in chief Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber). One character who questions his arrival notes he's an unmarried Jew who hates baseball. But most damning of all - he's not a local.
Early on, the publisher warns him that over 50 percent of their subscriber base is Catholic. Baron retorts that he thinks they'll find it interesting, and he proceeds.
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- Category: 2015
- Hits: 9237
ARCC can earn a penny every time you search the Internet. GoodSearch.com donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine. Go to www.goodsearch.com and enter ARCC as the charity you want to support. Bookmark the site or make it the default search engine via your browser's settings. Just 50 of us searching four times a day will raise about $730 in a year without anyone spending a dime. One member has already earned more than $55 for ARCC so far this year.