<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Seven Parishioner Rights ARCC
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Seven Rights of Catholic Parishioners 


Human rights are based on the dignity of our human nature.  Baptism adds another dimension of dignity to our nature and forms the basis for the 32 Rights of Catholics that are identified and proclaimed by ARCC in its Charter of Rightsof Catholics in the Church.  Though some may choose not to claim or exercise these rights they remain inalienable.  Their proclamation is meant to serve as sign post.  The denial or suppression of these rights indicates a misunderstanding of the message of Christ.  

The following seven rights found in the Charter of Rights pertain to the parish community.  ARCC proclaims these rights with the understanding that they are subject to change as we grow in wisdom and grace before God and men and women, as Christ did. 

1.       All Catholics have the right to a voice in all decisions that affect them, including the choosing of their leaders. (ARCC Rt. 5)

2.       All Catholics have the right to have their leaders accountable to them  (ARCC Rt. 6)

3.       All Catholics have the right to receive from the Church those ministries which are needed for the living of a fully Christian life including:

a)       Instruction in the Catholic tradition and the presentation of moral teaching in a way that promotes the helpfulness and relevance of Christian values to contemporary life.

b)       Worship which reflects the joys and concerns of the gathered community and instructs and inspires it.

c)       Pastoral counseling that applies with love and effectiveness the Christian heritage to persons in particular situations. (ARCC Rt. 12)

4.       All Catholics have the right to have church office holders foster a sense of community. (ARCC Rt. 17)

5.       All employees of the Church have the right to decent working conditions and just wages.  They have the right not to have their employment terminated without due process. (ARCC Rt.23)

6.       All Catholics have the right to expect that the resources of the Church be fairly expended on their behalf without prejudice to race, age, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, state-of-life, or social position

a)       All Catholic parents have the right to expect fair material and other assistance from Church authorities in the religious education of their children

b)       All Single Catholics have the right to expect that the resources of the Church be fairly expended on their behalf. (ARCC Rt. 27)

7.       All married Catholics have the right to withdraw from a marriage that has irretrievably broken down.  All such Catholics retain the radical right to remarry.  (ARCC Rt. 30)


3150 Newgate Drive, Southampton, MA  017073   
Phone  413-527-9929, Fax 413-527-5877


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Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

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, D.P.A., President
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Ingrid Shafer &
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Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
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