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A Proposed Constitution for the Catholic Church
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Link to Suggested Text for
Organizations to Introduce this Working Document
This Constitution provides the
framework within which the Catholic Church governs itself. The Constitution
sets forth the fundamental rights and corresponding responsibilities of
members and the basic structure for decision-making and action within the
Catholic Church. All laws, regulations and customs of the Catholic Church
shall be carried out within this Constitution's framework and spirit.
- We the people of the Catholic
Church hold that because all men and women are created in God's image and
likeness and that the same divine teaching on how they should live is
written in every human heart, all persons are to be treated with dignity
and equality, each person having the same fundamental rights and
- We hold that by our faith in
God through Jesus and our baptism with water and the Holy Spirit, all
Christians become "members of the body of Christ," that is, the Church
universal, and are committed to living out the Gospel proclaimed and lived
by Jesus. We further hold that all Christians who recognize the Ministry
of Unity which has historically been exercised by the Bishop of Rome, are
members of the Catholic Church (hereafter, simply, the Church).
- We hold that the Church's
mission, grounded in the Gospel, is to proclaim and show forth Jesus' Good
News of how to live a fully human life as images of God in individual and
communal justice and love. We hold that the Church realizes this mission
within the context of the laws which it enacts to foster and preserve the
spirit of the Gospel and to assist its members as they endeavor to live in
the love of God and neighbor.
Fundamental to the Church's mission
are certain rights and responsibilities which pertain to all members.
- The following are the Church
members' fundamental rights, flowing either from their basic human rights
or their basic baptismal rights. Each right entails a corresponding
responsibility on the part of the rights holders, some of which are so
obvious that they do not require specific articulation. In all instances
these rights and responsibilities apply to all Catholics, regardless of
race, age, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, state-of-life, social or
economic position.
A. Basic Human Rights and
- All Catholics have the basic
human rights e.g., (a) freedom of action, (b) freedom of conscience, (c)
freedom of opinion and expression, (d) the right to receive and impart
information, (e) freedom of association, (f) the right to due process of
law, (g) the right of participation in self-governance, (h) the right to
the accountability of chosen leaders, (i) the right to the safeguarding of
one's reputation and privacy, (j) the right to marry, (k) the right to
education and the corresponding duty to exercise them responsibly.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right of freedom of action, all Catholics have the right to engage
in any activity which neither causes harm nor infringes on the rights of
- As a consequence of the basic
human right of freedom of conscience, all Catholics have the right and
responsibility to follow their informed consciences in all matters.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to receive and impart information, all Catholics have the
right of access to all information possessed by Church authorities
concerning their own spiritual and temporal welfare, provided such access
does not infringe on the rights of others.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right of freedom of opinion and expression, all Catholics have the
right to express publicly in a responsible manner their agreement or
disagreement regarding decisions made by Church authorities.
- a) Laity have the right and
responsibility to make their opinions known in a responsible manner,
especially where they have first-hand experience of the issue at hand.
- b) Catholic teachers and
scholars of theology have a right to, and responsibility for, academic
freedom; the acceptability of their teaching is to be judged in dialogue
with their peers and, when appropriate, Church authorities. Such
scholars and teachers will keep in mind that the search for truth and
its expression entails following wherever the evidence leads, and hence,
the legitimacy of responsible dissent and pluralism of thought and its
- As a consequence of the basic
human right of freedom of association, all Catholics have the right to
form voluntary associations to pursue Catholic aims; such associations
have the right to decide on their own rules of governance.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to due process of law, all Catholics have the right to be
dealt with according to commonly accepted norms of fair administrative and
judicial procedures without undue delay, and to redress of grievances
through regular procedures of law.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right of participation in self-governance, all Catholics have the
right to a voice in decisions that affect them, including the choosing of
their leaders, and a duty to exercise those rights responsibly.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to the accountability of chosen leaders, all Catholics have
the right to have their leaders render an account to them.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to the safeguarding of one's reputation and privacy, all
Catholics have the right not to have their good reputations impugned or
their privacy violated.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to marry, all Catholics have the right to choose their state
in life; this includes the right for both laity and clergy to marry,
remain single or embrace celibacy.
- As a consequence of the basic
human right to marry, with each spouse retaining full and equal rights
during marriage, all Catholics have the right to withdraw from a marriage
which has irretrievably broken down.
- a) All such Catholics retain
the radical right to remarry; and
- b) All divorced and remarried
Catholics who are in conscience reconciled to the Church retain the
right to the same ministries, including all the sacraments, as do other
- As a consequence of the basic
human rights to marry and to education, all Catholic parents have the
right and responsibility,
- a) To determine in conscience
the size of their families,
- b) To choose appropriate
methods of family planning, and
- c) To see to the education of
their children.
B. Basic Baptismal Rights and
- As a consequence of their
baptism, all Catholics have the right to receive in the Church those
ministries which are needed for the living of a fully Christian life,
- a) Worship which reflects the
joys and concerns of the gathered community and instructs and inspires
- b) Instruction in the
Christian tradition and the presentation of spirituality and moral
teaching in a way that promotes the helpfulness and relevance of
Christian values to contemporary life; and
- c) Pastoral care that applies
with concern and effectiveness the Christian heritage to persons in
particular situations.
- As a consequence of their
baptism, all Catholics have the right,
- a) To receive all the
sacraments for which they are adequately prepared,
- b) To exercise all ministries
in the Church for which they are adequately prepared, according to the
needs and with the approval or commissioning of the community.
- As a consequence of their
baptism, all Catholics have the right to expect that the resources of the
Church expended within the Church will be fairly distributed on their
behalf. Among other concerns, this implies that,
- a) All Catholic women have an
equal right with men to the resources and the exercise of all the powers
of the Church;
- b) All Catholic parents have
the right to expect fair material and other assistance from Church
leaders in the religious education of their children; and
- c) All single Catholics have
the right to expect that the resources of the Church be fairly expended
on their behalf.
- As a consequence of their
baptism, as well as the social nature of humanity, all Catholics have the
corresponding responsibility to support the Church through their time,
talents and financial resources.
A. Fundamental Insights
- Through the centuries the
Church has wrestled with the concrete issues of the exercise of power and
law, without which no society can survive, let alone develop humanly. In
this long period the Church both benefitted and suffered from many
experiments with power and law in a great variety of cultures. In testing
them for itself the Church gained wisdom in both negative and positive
ways, i.e., it learned much about what works well and what does not.
- Two key insights gained from
all these experiences are fundamental for the governance of the Church in
the third millennium. One is that shared responsibility and corresponding
freedom are at the heart of being human, both individually and communally.
The second is that the most effective means of arriving at an ever fuller
understanding of reality is through dialogue which should be carried on
both within the Church and with those outside the Church. It is on this
long experience and wisdom of the Church, especially these two key
insights, that this Constitution draws and builds in its governance
B. Principles
- It is of the essence of the
Church to be a community. The most basic unit of that Church community is
where members daily live their lives, beginning with the family and other
intimate associations. Beyond this the fundamental unit of the Church is a
local community, most often but not exclusively the geographical parish.
- It is, however, also of the
essence of the Church that it is a communion of communities, so that the
local communities are also united in intermediate level communities, most
often but not exclusively the geographical diocese, and they in turn in
national communities, and these finally in the global community of the
universal Catholic Church. In addition, other communions of church
communities, such as regional or multinational communions, may be
developed as warranted, based on geography, language, or other factors.
- In keeping with the spirit of
the Gospel, developing human experience, and the dynamic Christian
tradition, especially its two key insights of shared
responsibility-corresponding freedom and dialogue, the following basic
principles shall shape the governing structures and regulations of the
- a) The principle of
subsidiarity shall rule throughout the Church, that is, all
decision-making rights and responsibilities shall remain with the
smaller community unless the good of the broader community specifically
demands that it exercise those rights and responsibilities.
- b) Throughout the Church the
formulations and applications of the tradition shall be arrived at
through a process of charitable and respectful dialogue.
- c) Throughout the Church each
community shall form its own body of governing regulations.
- d) Throughout the Church
leaders shall be elected to office through appropriate structures,
giving voice to all respective constituents.
- e) Leaders shall hold office
for a specified, limited term.
- f) A separation of
legislative, executive and judicial powers, along with a system of
checks and balances, shall be observed. This entails representatively
elected councils and leaders, as well as established judicial systems at
all levels. All branches share responsibility in ways appropriate to the
spirit of the Gospel and this Constitution.
- g) All leaders and councils
will regularly provide their constituents an account of their work,
including financial accounts, to be reviewed by an outside auditor when
- h) All groupings of the
faithful, including women and minorities, shall be equitably represented
in all positions of leadership and decision-making.
C. Councils
- At every level of church
communion - local, diocesan, national, and universal, or other as
warranted representative councils shall be established which shall serve
as the principal decision-making bodies. Each council is to observe the
- a) The principles of
subsidiarity and dialogue are to characterize the deliberations and
decisions of each council.
- b) Members of the councils
shall be elected in as representative a manner as possible, including,
when appropriate, representatives of various organizations within that
- c) Members of councils shall
serve for a specified term of office.
- d) Councils at each level
shall formulate their own body of governing regulations, bearing in mind
the appropriate regulations of the broader communities.
- e) Each council's governing
regulations shall determine the number, manner of election, and term of
office of members, how the chair is chosen, and how decision-making
responsibilities are to be distributed, as well as specifying other
church procedures, preserving the basic governance principles expressed
in this Constitution.
- f) The rule of one person,
one vote shall prevail in all councils.
- g) At the national,
multinational and universal levels, councils shall include among its
members at least 30% commissioned office-holders of ministries and 30%
other faithful.
- h) No one shall have veto
a) Local Church
- The members of every Parish (or
equivalent) shall elect a Council, which shall be the principal
decision-making body of the Parish. The Pastor shall be an ex officio member of the Council.
- If there is not already a
parish body of governing regulations, the Parish Council shall formulate
such, to be approved by the Parish, bearing in mind the appropriate
regulations of the regional and broader communities.
- The Parish Council, either
directly or through committees, shall bear ultimate responsibility for
Parish policy on worship, education, social outreach, administration,
finances and other activities carried out in the name of the Parish.
b) Diocesan Church
- Every Diocese shall elect a
Diocesan Council, which shall be the principal decision-making body of the
Diocese. The Bishop of the Diocese is ex officio a member of the
Council, which shall be composed of office-holders and laity.
- If there is not already a
Diocesan Constitution and/or body of governing regulations, the Diocesan
Council shall formulate one or both, to be approved by two-thirds of the
Parish Councils of the Diocese, bearing in mind the appropriate
regulations of the national and international communities.
- The Diocesan Council, either
directly or through committees or agencies, shall bear ultimate
responsibility for diocesan policy and regulations on worship, education,
social outreach, administration, finances and other activities carried out
in the name of the Diocese.
c) National Church
- Normally the Diocesan Councils
of a nation will establish a National Council. If for reasons of size or
other constraints certain Diocesan Councils decide that establishing a
National Council would not be appropriate for them, they shall apply to
the General Council for permission to join or establish an appropriate
alternative superior Council. The National Council, or its alternative,
shall be the principal decision-making body of the national Church. A
bishop and a layperson elected by the National Council shall be Co-Chairs
of the National Council.
- If there is not already a
National Constitution and/or body of governing regulations, the National
Council shall formulate one or both, to be approved by two-thirds of the
Diocesan Councils of the nation, bearing in mind the appropriate
regulations of the universal Church.
- The National Council, either
directly or through committees or agencies, shall bear ultimate
responsibility for national policy and regulations on worship, education,
social outreach, administration, finances and other activities carried out
in the name of the National Council.
d) Multinational Church
- If several National Councils
(e.g., of a continent or discrete geographical area, etc.) decide it would
be helpful to gather formally, they will formulate a multinational body of
regulations by which to govern themselves, to be approved by the National
Councils involved, preserving the basic governance principles expressed in
this Constitution.
e) Universal Church
- The National Councils shall
every ten years elect a General Council, which shall function as the
principal decision-making body of the universal Church. The General
Council shall bear ultimate responsibility for the formulation of the laws
and regulations governing the universal Church as well as the
establishment of policies and regulations concerning doctrine, morals,
worship, education, social outreach, administration, finances and other
activities carried out in the name of the universal Church, bearing
especially in mind the principle of subsidiarity. The Pope and a layperson
elected by the General Council shall be Co-Chairs of the General Council.
- The members of the General
Council, being a total of 500, shall be elected in staggered fashion for
ten year terms. The General Council shall meet at least once a year.
- The General Council is composed
of 500 delegates chosen by the National Councils proportional to the
number of registered Catholics in the countries concerned. Countries with
a smaller number of Catholics than required for at least one delegate
shall join together into larger units.
- If there is not already a
General Council Constitution and/or body of governing regulations, the
first General Council shall formulate one or both, to be approved by
two-thirds of the National Councils, preserving the basic governance
principles expressed in this Constitution.
- The Constitution of the General
Council and its governing regulations, together with the governing
regulations of all the offices which it shall set up, shall all have the
same legal status as the Constitution. Any amendments to the
aforementioned shall be subject to the section V Amendments procedures of
this Constitution.
- The General Council shall set
up within its first year the Papal Election Commission. Any amendments to
the Constitution and governing regulations of the Papal Election
Commission shall be subject to the section V Amendments procedures of this
Constitution. The Papal Election Commission shall be independent of the
General Council.
- The General Council shall
through committees or agencies bear ultimate responsibility for
implementing the laws, regulations and policies of the universal Church.
D. Leaders
a) General
- All leaders, including
commissioned holders of ministries, shall be appropriately trained and
- Commissioned holders of
ministries are church leaders who normally work full-time for the church
and are chosen by the appropriate church community to act in its name.
- All commissioned holders of
ministries shall be chosen in a manner which shall give a representative
voice to all those who are to be led by them. This is especially true of
the local Pastor, the Diocesan Bishop, and the Pope.
- All commissioned holders of
ministries shall serve for specified terms of office. The Diocesan
Constitution shall specify the term and renewability of office of the
Pastor. The National Constitution shall specify the term and renewability
of office of the Diocesan Bishop.
- All commissioned holders of
ministries can be removed from office only for cause, following a
procedure of due process based on principles enunciated in this
- All commissioned holders of
ministries have responsibilities and corresponding rights which must be
specified by the respective constitutions; those of Pastor, Bishop and
Pope are especially laid out here.
b) Pastor
- Pastors shall be chosen by the
parish (or its equivalent) and approved by the Bishop and the Diocesan
Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Diocesan
- The Pastor shall serve as the
leader of the Parish pastoral team. Within the policies set by the Parish
Council, they bear the main responsibility for the worship, spiritual and
moral instruction, and pastoral care dimensions of the Parish. This
responsibility entails:
- a) Worship that reflects the
joys and concerns of the gathered community and instructs and inspires
- b) Instruction in the
Christian tradition and the presentation of spirituality and moral
teaching in a way that promotes the helpfulness and relevance of
Christian values to contemporary life; and
- c) Pastoral care that applies
with love and effectiveness the Christian heritage to persons in
particular situations.
- Pastors have both a right to
and responsibility for proper training and continuation of their education
throughout the term of their office.
- Pastors have a right to fair
financial support for the exercise of their office, as well as the
requisite liberty needed for the proper exercise thereof.
c) Bishop
- The Bishop shall be chosen by
the Diocesan Council in accordance with the Diocesan Constitution, bearing
in mind the appropriate regulations of the national and international
communities, including consultation with and subsequent confirmation by
the appropriate committees of the National Council and General Council.
- The Bishop shall serve as the
leader of the Diocesan pastoral team. Within the policies set by the
Diocesan Council, they bear the main responsibility for the worship,
spiritual and moral instruction, and pastoral care dimensions of the
Diocese, bearing in mind the principle of subsidiarity.
d) Pope
- The Pope of the universal
Church shall be elected for a single ten-year term by Delegates selected
by the National Councils.
- a) The number of Delegates
from National Councils to the Papal Election Congress shall be
proportional to the number of registered Catholics in a nation, to be
determined by an appropriate international committee.
- b) The Delegates shall be
chosen as representatively as possible, one-third being bishops.
- The Pope together with the
General Council and their agencies and committees bear the main
responsibility for carrying out the policies set by the General Council,
especially in the areas of the worship, doctrinal, moral and spiritual
instruction, and pastoral care functions of the universal Church, bearing
in mind the principle of subsidiarity.
A. Principles
- The Catholic Church is a
pilgrim church, always in need of reform and correction. Disputes,
contentions, and crimes against the rights of members will regrettably
occur. These are to be resolved by processes of conciliation and
arbitration. Where this proves impossible, Catholics may take such cases
to the Church's tribunals for adjudication. All Catholics are entitled to
fair and due process under ecclesiastical law. All personnel involved in
the Church's judicial system shall be appropriately trained and competent.
- A system of diocesan,
provincial, national and international tribunals shall be established,
which shall serve as courts of first instance, each with designated courts
of appeal. These tribunals shall be governed by this Constitution and
subsequent laws in keeping with it.
B. Tribunals
a) Local and Regional
- Every diocese shall establish a
tribunal, or make other arrangements, for the judicial hearing of
contentious and criminal cases which are brought before it by its people.
- a) Diocesan tribunals shall
have competence over all matters which pertain to the internal order of
the local and regional Church. These include all acts defined by the
general ecclesiastical law as administrative acts, crimes,
jurisdictional disputes, and matters of equity and restitution.
- b) Diocesan tribunals shall
conduct their operations according to the procedural law established by
the universal Church.
- c) Appeals against the
judgment of the diocesan tribunal shall be heard by the tribunal of the
respective ecclesiastical province.
- All cases involving a diocesan
Bishop shall be heard by the national tribunal.
b) National
- The National Council shall
establish where appropriate provincial appellate courts and an appellate
tribunal which shall serve as court of second instance for all cases,
judicial or administrative, which are brought before it by its provincial
Appeals from the decisions of this
tribunal shall be heard by the Supreme Tribunal.
c) International
- Where there are no National
Tribunals the General Council shall establish multi-national appellate
tribunals which shall serve as courts of second instance.
- The General Council shall
establish a Supreme Tribunal which shall serve as the court of final
appeal for all cases brought before it by lower courts or by the General
- The Supreme Tribunal shall hear
cases charging illegal or unconstitutional actions by the Pope.
- There shall be no judicial
appeal from the judgments of the Supreme Tribunal.
C. Continued Fitness for Office
of Leaders
Church leaders shall serve out
their elected term of office unless the question of competence and continued
fitness for office is formally raised in accordance with constitutionally
established norms. Determination of such competence and fitness for office
may be made by the office-holder's ecclesiastical superior or by the
appropriate Council, due process being observed. In the case of the Pope,
such determination is to be made by a regular or special session of the
General Council.
This Constitution can be amended
by a three-quarter vote of the General Council, and a subsequent
ratification by three fourths of the National Councils within a five year
period after the passage of the amendment by the General Council.
This Constitution will come into
force upon its adoption by a duly authorized Constitutional Convention.
September 19, 1998 Version (with
minor corrections)
Comments and revisions to Prof. Leonard
Other voices
Another Voice
Questions From a Ewe
Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer) |