Reluctant Prophet? (Sat Sep 4, 2004 1:24 pm) Be very grateful to anyone who points out your hypocrisy. This true friend, or honest enemy, sees something that you do not see or recognize in yourself, and is brave enough to tell you so. We don't need canon law (c 212 ) or ARCC (Rt. No.3) to tell us that we can and should speak out, but we do need someone or some community to protect us from own inconsistencies and blindness. Absolutely no one is immune or above this. As a matter of fact, it is in high places where this blindness most prevails. Psychological and spiritual glaucoma is the price of power. It slowly destroys ones peripheral vision of reality down to a very personal perspective, to the exclusion of all others. As prophets we are called to testify to the truth of our own experience even while recognizing its narrowness. Fully aware that we may not always be correct, providing an honest subjective observation of objective reality is all that we have to offer to both friends and enemies. True friendship and true spiritual love of enemies lies in voicing that perspective. Speaking out is not an easy act of charity, but silence is betrayal. (Commentary on Right No.3 in the Charter of Rights of Catholics in the Church. "All Catholics have the right to engage in any activity which does not infringe on the rights of others, e.g., they have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of association.") |
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