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Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
Chapter 14
Section 563 - Grants or Deeds Transferring Real Estate to Religious Corporation in Trust-Title Vests in Successors
Cite as: O.S. §,

All grants or deeds from private individuals, or acts of legislative bodies, transferring, conveying or granting real estate in this state to any bishop, dean, rector, vestryman, deacon, director, minister or any other officer or officers of any church or organized religious society in trust for the use and benefit of such society of which they are such officer or officers, which have been or may be made, done or executed, shall vest in their successor or successors in office, or other officer which such society may at any time designate, all the legal or other title, to the same extent and in all respects the same, as trustee of such trust, for the use and benefit of such society, which such bishop, dean, rector, vestryman, deacon, director, minister or other officer or officers, had under such grant, deed or act; and all transfers or sales made by such officer or officers so acquiring title by virtue of this article, by succession in office shall have all the validity, force and effect that it would have had had it been made by such bishop, dean, rector, vestryman, deacon, director, minister or other officer or officers, while holding under and by virtue of such grant, deed or act of such legislative body.
Historical Data

R.L. 1910, 1469.

Title 18. Corporations
Chapter 14
Section 564.2 - Preservation of Property
Cite as: O.S. §,

If there is no superior body, presbytery, synod, conference, diocese, convention, or other ecclesiastical body having jurisdiction to take charge of, protect and preserve such property, then, any statewide religious association, organization, society, or corporation of the same or similar denomination, faith, creed, practice or doctrine, shall have and is hereby given jurisdiction to take charge of and preserve such property.
Historical Data

Laws 1943, p. 39, § 2.


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Another Voice

Questions From a Ewe

Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

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Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
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