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Nothing has Changet (Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:06 pm)

Nothing has changed except the Pope. We are the same Church, the same people with the same gifts, graces, and rights -- and problems. True, we were hopeful that a different Pope might make our quest easier, and there is still that hope even though Benedict XVI has lots of baggage indicating otherwise. It could just be that B16 will be somwhat different from Cardinal Ratzinger. The offices are different and we do not know how he will respond to being the "Servant of the Servants of God."

In the meantime, don't rend your garments, go into spasms, or abandon all hope! You and I have not changed, ARCC has not changed, the Church has not changed - yet. The Church is going to change no matter who is Pope. How it changes and how it survives depends on many, B16, ARCC, Opus Dei, women, gays, just to name a few.

We are in it for the long-haul. JPII did not deal with many issues that remain critical and eminent. They are not going away and neither are we. We are the Church and WE must never forget that. Hang on to your hats, and hang in there!


Other voices

Another Voice

Questions From a Ewe

Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

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Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
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