August 11, 2000
Open Letter to:
Most Reverend Gabriel Montalvo
Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave.
N.W. Washington, D.C 20008
Dear Bishop Gabriel Montalvo:
The Church rejoices as the sanctity of Pope John XXIII is recognized and celebrated through his elevation to the altar of the Church to be safely imitated by all.
We are moved by Canon 212 #3 to write and ask you to inform Pope John Paul II that we do not receive the proclamation of the sanctity of Pope Pius IX as a model for us to follow in our quest for a holy life which the canonical proclamation of sainthood suggests.
Please convey this message to the Pope and ask him to reconsider his decision based on:
1. The protests of the people.
2. The facts of history.
3. The contradictory message being sent by associating Popes John XXIII and Pius IX.
4. The lack of devotion of the faithful in seeking his intercession as demonstrated by the abandonment of his tomb in the Church of San Lorenzo where reliable eye witnesses claim that no one has come to pray at his tomb in the last ten years.
5. The resulting alienation and consternation of our Jewish, Irish, and Protestant brothers and sisters who were persecuted by Pope Pius IX.
6. The credibility of the Church will be honestly questioned and put at risk by asking people to honor and imitate Pope Pius IX
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Robert E. Schutzius, Ph.D.
Advocacy Committee Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church (ARCC) 3150 Newgate
Florissant MO 63033 |