<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Keeping Money in Parish ARCC
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A way to help KEEP THE MONEY IN THE PARISH (Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:48 am)

If accountability is to be achieved, as a first step toward structural change in the Church, your own parish is the place to begin. Below is a practical way to help to bring about that participation and accountability urged by Pope John Paul II and founded on Church Law.

For use in the Sunday collection in the New Year

Dear Father ___________,

Thank you for your dedication and service to the People of God.

Universal Catholic Church Law provides that: "Offerings given by the faithful for a specified purpose may be used only for that purpose." (Canon 1267, #3)

I hereby certify that my enclosed offering is to be used ONLY for this specified purpose,____________________________________, or deposited in a parish trust fund administered by the Parish Pastoral Council Finance Committee whose members have been duly elected by the parish. This is not a general offering to the parish nor to the diocese. I respectfully ask that you conform to this law of the Church, record my offering for tax purposes, and use it, in its entirety, as specifically indicated.

_______________________ _______ $________ _________  _____________
signature (optional)         date       amount   envelope   record number

Suggested purposes: Parish staff salaries, parish utilities, parish supplies, flowers, school, St. Vincent DePaul Society, parish maintenance, parish building fund, parish youth activities, school supplies, printing cost, other parish needs. Be creative!

Not only might this provide you with some say in how the parish resources are used, it will also encourage the adoption of democratic structures of a parish council and finance committee elected by the parish. Be sure to write your specific purpose on your check in the corner.

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