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How Long Does It Take? (Tue May 1, 2007 9:20 am)

How long did it take the first Jewish Christians to realize that the Spirit was taking them to a new and yet greater intimacy with God? With Jesus they cherished their traditions and heritage and even when following Jesus they were unwilling to relinquish the faith and understanding of their ancestors and were mindful that Jesus was a good Jew as well.

How long did it take? As noted in the Acts of the Apostles, problems started very soon after Pentecost and endured in various degrees of conflict over a long period of time. It was hard to give up the old and embrace the new Spirit now dwelling amongst them. But eventually the Spirit won many over.

So how long will it take the Spirit to bring forth the new seeds planted at the Second Vatican Council? Amidst the last great attempts to nurture the old, there are signs that the new is beginning to sprout. http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0700752.htm

Allow the Spirit to work. Vatican II is not 50 years old yet and the beloved old seed, while challenged, is still strong.

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