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HANS KUNG TO BE HONORED (Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:05 pm)

This is the year that ARCC - together with Hans Küng! - will celebrate its 25th anniversary! We will host Hans Küng at a November 16-17 Award Dinner (1st Rights in the Catholic Church Award, a Formal Opening of his Global Ethic Exhibition, and a Public Lecture "Reform of the Catholic Church & Dialogue with Religions" (visit and click on: http://arcc-catholic-rights.org/kuengarcc.htm to make reservations). Please forward this to others.

It is already a quarter of a century ago that ARCC was founded in the wake of a series of machine gun-like Vatican attacks launched by Pope John Paul II just a few months after his inauguration. The nadir of these attacks came in Dec. 1979, declaring Hans Küng no longer a Catholic theologian. ARCC has since then been working tirelessly to articulate and defend the rights of all Catholics (see the 1983 ARCC Charter of Rights at http://arcc-catholic-rights.net ) then followed up Pope Paul VI's call for a Catholic Constitution (see http://arcc-catholic-rights.net ), and now beyond!

We look forward to your joining with us in this celebration - and sharing this invitation with all your friends, individual and group.

We also plan to continue keeping you informed of our new efforts in this new pontificate (I was a Visiting Professor on the Catholic Theology Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Germany in the early 70s where Hans Küng and Joseph Ratzinger were fellow professors . Also, in the first issue of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, which my wife Arlene Swidler and I founded in 1964, we published an article by the then young, progressive theologian, Joseph Ratzinger, and we translated an article of his advocating a limited term of office for bishops (!): Bishops and People, Leonard and Arlene Swidler, eds. [Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1970]).

Join with us in celebrating and in re-energizing ourselves to work for our own renewal and that of our Church - and not only for ourselves, but also for our grandchildren!

Sincerely, Len Leonard Swidler, Ph.D., S.T.L., LL.D., LL.D. Co-Founder/President, Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church

Other voices

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Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

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, D.P.A., President
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