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In June
2002, responding to what has come to be called the
greatest crisis to face the Catholic Church since the
Protestant Reformation, the American hierarchy approved A Charter for the Protection of Children and Young
This mandated the creation of a National Review Board, which was to commission
“a comprehensive study of the causes and context of
the current crisis of sexual abuse of minors by
The research conducted by the
Board involved interviews with 85 individuals, both clerics and
lay experts, and it paralleled a statistical analysis conducted
through the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Both an executive summary of the John Jay report and
the Board’s own report were issued on the same day, February 27, 2004. The John Jay study made national headlines with
the revelation that, according to the records of cooperating dioceses and religious congregations, from 1950 to
2002 more than four thousand priests, deacons, and
religious were accused of abusing close to eleven thousand individuals. Well over half a billion dollars had
already been spent to settle claims made against the
By far the
most typical claim did not involve young children
but teenagers, most often males with whom the offender
became involved in a social situation. Abuse appears to
have peaked in the 1970s, with relatively few cases
occurring since 1990. The
report issued by the National Review Board suggested
that the changing moral climate both in and out of the
Catholic Church during the 1970s and 1980s was a contributing factor, and it is very specific in linking a
failure to take disciplinary action against a so-called
gay subculture present in certain seminaries
and dioceses to “an atmosphere in which sexual
abuse of adolescent boys by priests was more likely” (p.
The Association for the Rights
of Catholics in the Church,
while respecting the good intentions of those who
prepared this report, is concerned about what may well be a
rush to judgment on why priests and religious
engaged in criminal actions. We have already
seen a move on the part of the Vatican to ban homosexuals
from the priesthood, and we fear that gay-bashing will replace an authentic effort to prevent
future incidents that offend the basic right of any
individual to be free of unwanted sexual advances.
Stereotyping homosexuals as having a greater tendency to be predators is quite possibly less likely
to accomplish this goal even as it unjustifiably limits the right of a Catholic to honor a vocation
regardless of sexual orientation.
2. THE
prevalence of sexual predation among the clergy was, until
2002 and the press revelations of misconduct
in the Boston archdiocese, one of those “dirty
little secrets” that understandably was not allowed
open discussion. Even though groups such as the
Servants of the Paraclete operated houses for priests and
religious “who are experiencing difficulties and working through the specific developmental phases of life,” it was only slowly recognized how frequently
bishops and superiors were sending on individuals who had been sexually
involved with minors. It was also only slowly recognized
by the bishops and superiors that offenders might
not ever be successfully rehabilitated, and where priests were
concerned there was a special problem in that, despite a
public perception to the contrary, “defrocking” a priest unwilling to accept laicization was a complex process akin
to firing a tenured professor. Reassignment was an easier course of
action, and this is what allowed the true predator to resume his attacks.
If bishops
and superiors were unduly optimistic that the
repentant sinner would not sin again, a far more serious failing was their determination to avoid involving
the criminal justice system, even when it was clear
that the actions in question might actually mandate
this. Efforts to report abuse were systematically sidetracked, and when this did not work there were
settlements made that called for an effective
vow of silence on the part of those abused.
But who
were the predators? Typically, child abusers--actual pedophiles--are not homosexuals, even though sexual acts with adolescent males, and these are what
the John Jay study found as characteristic in the
reported cases, are homosexual by definition. The
efforts to understand offending priests, such as the recent
report by David France (Our Fathers: The Secret Life
of the Catholic Church in an Age of Scandal), suggest that the issue was more likely to be sexual
confusion. In the era before the Second Vatican
Council, when most offenders were in the seminary,
sex itself was not discussed except in a circumspect
Latin. Celibacy is not any easier for gays than
it is for straights, and a priest, especially
one less aware of his own sexual identity, could
easily rationalize a romantic interest in attractive young men, even teenagers.
How many
priests are gay? Some estimates have put the number of
gays and straights as about even, with a higher
percentage of gays having gone to the seminary or entered
religious life in the last three decades. The interesting note here, pointed out
by France, is that as the
proportion of gays increased and at the same time
there was a greater understanding and acceptance
of homosexuality itself, the number of abuse
incidents decreased. Despite the suggestion in the
National Review Board’s report, there seems to be good reason
to think that the link between a self-accepting gay orientation and a predatory outlook is the exact reverse of what has been suggested. As yet,
though, there has not been any systematic effort to look at
this, although it seems easy enough to test the
hypothesis by looking at those dioceses in which priests who were part of this supposed “gay subculture”
were assigned.
The first
step should be a more clear definition of what the
problem is. It is obvious that it is a betrayal of trust for priests or
religious to engage in sexual conduct with minors in their charge.
It was perhaps less obvious until the Boston scandal how devastating
this betrayal would be to those who were its
victims. The difficulty, however, lies in implementing a strict zero-tolerance policy that on the one
hand fails to discriminate among various types of offenses
and on the other accepts the outlook, sadly
typical of abuse charges in general, that the accused
should be seen as guilty until proven innocent.
An initial
assumption should be that, despite a greater
effort to consider sexual maturity and a corresponding sense of responsibility
in candidates for the priesthood or for religious vows, there
will be those who cross the line in some manner. Another should be
that some individuals will be falsely accused.
Simply turning everything over to the criminal
justice system to sort things out is not enough of
an answer, although it seems clear enough that any
priest or religious needs to understand that the days in
which clerics were immune from civil punishment are long over. However, present church regulations
have created a parallel system that becomes a
nightmare for those who are innocent.
suggests the need for a process, applying not just to
clergy but to anyone else involved with minors,
that allows a freedom to come forward to those who claim
they have been abused while protecting those who are in fact
innocent. No adequate process exists, and creating it
will be difficult. Nonetheless, without it society
faces the unacceptable dilemma of either allowing
some predators to continue unchecked or compelling
those falsely accused to accept a forced hiatus in
their careers and a potentially irreversible loss to
their reputations.
A second
consideration is that the code of secrecy by which
serial offenders have been permitted to continue their
predations is ended once and for all. Parishioners and others have a right to know whether those
assigned to their ministry have in any way been compromised. It may well be that an ancient and minor offense
will not matter to them, but this should be their choice, not just that of a bishop concerned with a shortage of
priests. For this reason, in place of the current
draconian outlook already challenged by the Vatican, we encourage an
ecclesiastical version of Megan’s Law
with a bishop or superior assuming legal liability
for anyone reassigned following a verified claim of abuse.
Finally, we
call on the hierarchy to recognize that sexual
orientation is not a predictor of how well anyone may answer a divine call. A
moral theology that deals with the sexual drive in all its manifestations is still in the
process of development, but it seems clear that the emphasis on
procreation characterizing a natural law approach is no
longer adequate. Gays, we insist, have a right to be considered
for the ministry, and the suggestion that they be
denied this we find completely unacceptable.
Other voices
Another Voice
Questions From a Ewe
Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer) |