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Who we are

What we do

Contact us



Association for the Rights of Catholics

in the Church

PO Box 85 South Hampton, MA  01073

413-527-9929 Fax 413-527-5877

arccangel@charter.net         http://arcc-catholic-rights.org





March 29, 2002



Dear Friends,

Enclosed you will find a fact sheet for a project which ARCC is initiating April 1.   We believe that the moment has come when our voices will be heard.   We have proposed three actions, which the hierarchy could follow as a sign of good faith in their efforts to repair the damage done by the present scandal.  Dialogue, accountability and representation are the first of many goals which we as church reform advocates seek in order to realize structural change in the way the church is governed. 

This is not a one-time project.   We will offer three to four practical suggestions prior to each Bishops’ meeting until we see the beginnings of change. If we in great numbers present actions which are within the realm of possibility for the hierarchy, it is quite possible that a revolution will occur. We hope that you and your members will join us in the project. 

We have purposely kept this simple.  A one-sheet explanation is provided.  We suggest that you copy it and distribute where you can. We would appreciate it if you could give us mention in your next newsletter.   If you are able, please link your web site to the project located on ARCC’s website at – http://arcc-catholic-rights.org/campaign.htm. We have also enclosed a self addressed envelope. We welcome any contribution to help us defray the cost of this effort.  We thank you in advance.   

In Peace,

Mary Louise Hartman                                      John Sheehan
President                                                          National Coordinator

Other voices

Another Voice

Questions From a Ewe

Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

Locations of visitors to this page

Contact Information

, D.P.A., President
(406) 544-5527
Postal address
P.O. Box 6512
Helena, MT 59604-6512


Website design and maintenance:
Ingrid Shafer &
Copyright © 2003-2010,
Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
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