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History Repeats Itself ( Sun Jul 1 11:59:52 CDT 2007)

No one questions the bishops' right to voice their opinion and vote for the
politicians of their choice. However if this is true for them, it is equally true for us. In 2004 many Catholic bishops clearly expressed their political inclinations with the expectation and direction that Catholics follow their lead. Some even threatened so-called self-excommunication if one did not follow their instructions resulting in many Catholics dutifully following their advice, perhaps even against their better judgement. We and the world, are living with the consequences of their advice.



Based on the consequences of the 2004 elections one might hope that the bishops learn from their mistakes and that they would examine their conscience as to their complicity in the travesty, death, and suffering that has ensued. Teaching us how to vote is not their prerogative. Their support in the 2008 election should be the kiss of death for any candidate. They continue to fiddle with sex and money (abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage birth control, financial loss due to clergy sexual abuse, etc.) while the Church and the rest of the world (not just figuratively) burns. Prophetically, Bishop Donald Trautman of Erie PA advises us as no other bishop has had the courage to do, "Church of God, judge for yourselves" (about the proposed new English version of the liturgy). What is good for the bishops is not necessairly good for us who are the Church, as has already been made drastically clear in the last three years. Listen to what they have to say, but follow your conscience and heed the call of bishop Trautman, "Church of God, judge for yourselves."

Found in the Charter of Rights of Catholics in the Church http://arcc-catholic-rights.net/arcc_charter.htm

No. 21. All Catholics have the right to freedom in political matters. No. 22. All Catholics have the right to follow their informed consciences in working for justice and peace in the world.

Other voices

Another Voice

Questions From a Ewe

Challenges Facing Catholicism
(Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in converation with Dr Ingrid Shafer)

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