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Some things we have been reading
Cardinal George apologizes for linking Pride Parade to KKK
Manya A. Brachea Jan.06, 2012
Chicago's Cardinal Francis George apologized Friday for remarks aired on Christmas Day comparing the gay pride parade to the Ku Klux Klan.
"I am truly sorry for the hurt my remarks have caused," George said in an interview with the Tribune. "Particularly because we all have friends or family members who are gay and lesbian. This has evidently wounded a good number of people. I have family members myself who are gay and lesbian, so it's part of our lives. So I'm sorry for the hurt."
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"We Must Not Lose Heart": Economic Crisis Tops Pope's "State of the World"
Rocco Palmo Jan.9, 2012
Keeping with longtime custom, the Vatican's "work-year" began earlier today with the Pope's New Year greeting to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See -- a talk whose highlighting of geopolitical concerns and bright-spots has earned it the informal title of the "State of the World" speech.
Echoing both his World Day of Peace message and his pre-Christmas address to the Roman Curia, Benedict XVI focused a considerable part of his remarks on young people -- in this case, how the effects of global uncertainty and tumult are felt by the young, and the role of education as a key tool for a more peaceful and ethical future.
The Holy See currently maintains bilateral relations with 179 countries.
Here, the Vatican's English translation of the speech (emphases original), which is always delivered in the traditional diplomatic language, French.
Dr. King & Catholic Social Teaching
Robert Christian Jan.11, 2012
Martin Luther King Jr. is a national hero, a remarkable figure whose courageous pursuit of justice compelled Americans to recognize and correct our nation's failure to live up to its highest ideals, those so elegantly expressed in the Declaration of Independence. Yet King's vision transcended these ideals. He articulated notions of equality, freedom, and justice more aligned with the common good than any imagined by our nation's founders. For Catholics, King's philosophy is especially appealing as his personalist, communitarian worldview is remarkably consistent with core Catholic principles. Meanwhile, King's dream of an America united in universal brotherhood and sisterhood should remain the North Star that guides us as we work to end the divisions created by racial bigotry and prejudice and their enduring legacy.
The foundation of King's philosophy is his understanding of the human person. King believed in the "sacredness of human personality"- that each person has inherent dignity and worth. For King, as for Catholics, since we are each made in the image of God, the innate worth of every person is fundamentally equal. Therefore, as children of God, universal brotherhood and sisterhood define our relationships with one another.
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"I have a dream" speech video
"Non violence means not only avoiding external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, you refuse to hate him. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr
New year, new church?
Ken Trainor Jan.13, 2012
In 2012, my hope for the Catholic Church is that the lowerarchy discovers its prophetic voice. The church has a prophetic tradition, but you wouldn't know it by the silence of the laity. The majority of Catholics seem obedient, accommodating, resigned or philosophical. Catholics leave or lapse or seal their lips. Those who stay seem to pride themselves on making the best of bad situations-as if that were the only measure of spiritual maturity.
"What good would it do to speak out?" I hear. "It won't change anything." Maybe not, but it might do you, and your church, a world of good.
For example: "The new translation of the Mass is an insult to our intelligence and to the English language." It's not so hard. We should be saying it out loud-and loud enough to be heard.
There are many ways to make a contribution to your church-as lectors, cantors, Mass captains, communion ministers, CCD teachers, members of the parish council, singing in the choir. All admirable, all essential. But it is just as honorable to be a critic.
What separates prophetic Catholics from chronic whiners, cranks, axe-grinders, malcontents, and heretics? The quality of the criticism, the way it is delivered, and a desire to improve a beloved but imperfect church. Disagreeing without being disagreeable, offering genuine insight, providing big-picture perspective, and making a compelling case.
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Religion Aside, Vatican Ambassadors Support Romney
Kenneth Rapoza Jan.07, 2012
Mitt Romney's Mormon background doesn't concern five former Catholic ambassadors to the Vatican who endorsed him for President on Saturday.
"We the undersigned former U.S. Ambassadors to the Holy See -Thomas Melady, Ray Flynn, James Nicholson, Francis Rooney and Mary Ann Glendon - are united in our wholehearted support for the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the Presidency of the United States because of his commitment to and support of the values that we feel are critical in a national leader," they wrote in an endorsement posted on Romney's campaign website.
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Calm and collected: Amid crisis, Vatican diplomacy shows 'maturity'
Francis X. Rocca Jan.06, 2012
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI's early January address to the Vatican diplomatic corps, an annual tradition that reaffirms the Holy See's commitment to its relations with foreign states, comes after an especially trying year for Vatican diplomacy.
In November, the Irish government announced that it would close its embassy to the Holy See, to continue relations through an ambassador based in Dublin. The move was ostensibly to cut costs, but its timing, closely following harsh criticisms of the Vatican's record on clerical sex abuse by the Irish prime minister and other officials, strongly suggested that it was really a political rebuke.
Whatever the reason, the spectacle of a historically Catholic country presenting its relations with the Holy See as fair game for the budget cutter's ax struck many observers as the latest sign of the Vatican's diminishing diplomatic prestige, especially in an increasingly secular West.
Yet the Vatican's response to that move has reflected its distinctive diplomatic strengths, as well as the unique priorities of a sovereign state whose head is also the leader of a global church.
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Public decries closure of embassy to the Vatican
Paul O'Brien Jan.16, 2012
Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore's decision to close the Irish embassy to the Vatican was met with overwhelming opposition from the public with over 93% criticising the move.
It was in stark contrast to the hugely supportive response to Taoiseach Enda Kenny's blistering speech on the Cloyne Report. It suggests, while the public thought Mr Kenny's denunciation of the Vatican in that speech was merited, the decision to close the embassy was not.
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The disconnect between bishops and other Catholics
Richard McBrien Jan.09, 2012
The U.S. Catholic bishops have produced a new introduction to their 2007 document, "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship." The full text of the new introduction is available in Origins, Oct. 13, 2011, vol. 41, no. 19. The original document is also available in Origins, Nov. 29, 2007, vol. 37, no. 25.
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Those who attend Mass every week are more inclined to look to the hierarchy for guidance, but not by much.
Indeed, half of the oldest generation of Catholics believes individuals themselves are the proper locus of moral authority, even on such issues as abortion.
In summary, on most of the issues the survey asked about, majorities of Catholics said the locus of moral authority rests with individuals, not the bishops, but after taking church teachings into account.
Given the findings of this latest survey, it is clear that relatively few Catholics look to the bishops themselves as the sole source of guidance on moral issues.
It would have been useful to know how many Catholics actually read the teaching documents produced by the bishops, whether this "new introduction" or the original statement itself.
There is an evident disconnect between what the bishops think is happening "out there," and what is actually going on.
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Vatican expected to discipline former bishop Lahey
CTVNews.ca Staff Jan.5, 2012
Top officials with the Vatican in Rome are expected to issue a decision soon on how disgraced Catholic bishop Raymond Lahey will be disciplined.
Lahey, 71, was convicted of importing child pornography Wednesday and sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in prison plus two years probation. Because Lahey was given two-for-one credit for the eight months he had already served while awaiting sentencing, he was released on probation.
A decision is widely expected soon but Anne Walsh, an assistant to the Archbishop at the Archdiocese of St. John's tells CTVNews.ca there is no indication when word might come. She says the Church could do one of three things:
- It can dismiss Lahey from the clerical state
- It could sentence him to a life of prayer and penance, perhaps in a monastery.
- It could reduce Lahey's powers, so that he would not be able to identify himself as a cleric by title, by address or by association
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More U.S. Catholics take complaints to church court
AP Jan.11, 2012
NEW YORK (AP) - Parents upset by the admission policy at a parochial school. Clergy and parishioners at odds over use of their building. A priest resisting a transfer to another parish.
It was once assumed that disagreements like these in the Roman Catholic Church would end one way: with the highest-ranking cleric getting the last word.
But that outcome is no longer a given as Catholics, emboldened following the clergy abuse scandals that erupted a decade ago this month, have sought another avenue of redress.
In recent years, clergy and lay people in the United States have increasingly turned to the church's internal legal system to challenge a bishop's or pastor's decision about even the most workaday issues in Catholic life, according to canon lawyers in academia, dioceses and in private practice. Sometimes, the challengers even win.
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Top Five Challenges for the Occupy Movement in 2012
Tom Beaudoin Jan.10, 2012
The Occupy movement is about to turn four months old, and already is planning a host of events for 2012. Occupy Together lists 1508 Occupy sites globally. Some of those are physical occupations with tents and the like, while many have been evicted and exist for the moment as meetups and planning groups that focus on events and periodic gatherings. Occupy Wall Street's Facebook page has over 360,000 followers and continues to grow daily. Just this week, Occupy Nigeria has been in the news. . . . .
As readers may know, I have been involved with Occupy Wall Street from early on, and with Occupy Faith NYC, an interdenominational/ interfaith/ interreligious group that supports Occupy. A meeting of some Occupy faith/religious/spiritual leaders from around the USA took place in NYC recently, and there may be another coming up in March on the West Coast. In short, though Occupy may have faded from front page news coverage, the movement continues, though it clearly faces challenges.
Here are the top five challenges I see for Occupy in 2012, in no particular order:
[1] Make Occupy as interreligious and as intersecular as possible. . . .
[2] Make Occupy as interracial and interethnic and inter-sex/gender as possible . . . .
[3] Continue to focus on and deepen local events at local Occupations . . . .
[4] Evolve a governance structure at the local, national, and international levels . . . .
[5] Stay nonviolent and teach about nonviolence. . . .
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Has Obama Waged A War On Religion?
Barara Bradley Hagerty Jan.8, 2012
Americans' religious liberties are under attack - or at least that's what some conservatives say.
Newt Gingrich warns the U.S. is becoming a secular country, which would be a "nightmare." Rick Santorum says there's a clash between "man's laws and God's laws." And in a campaign ad, Rick Perry decried what he called "Obama's war on religion," saying there is "something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly ... pray in school."
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Religious conservatives see an escalating war with the Obama White House. One Catholic bishop called it "the most secularist administration in history." Another bishop says it is an "a-theocracy." Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., who heads the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' new Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty, believes the First Amendment is clear: The government cannot make people choose between obeying the law and following their faith
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Douglas Laycock, a constitutional lawyer who argues cases on behalf of religious groups, said he doesn't think the administration is hostile to religion. He says the administration takes the issues case by case.
"I think they've aggressively protected religious liberty in some issues and failed to protect it in other issues," Laycock says. "But they're not hostile. The hostility is in parts of the political culture - particularly in the gay rights movement and the pro-choice movement."
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"The conservative religious groups want to take away all the liberty of the pro-choice and gay-rights people, and the pro-choice and gay-rights people want to take away all the liberty of the conservative religious groups," he says. "Neither side seems interested in the American tradition of 'live and let live' and protect the liberty of both sides."
And Laycock sees little chance of a detente, particularly in an election year.
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Santorum, Obama and immigrant families
Paul Moses Jan.7, 2012
The Obama administration's proposal to revise federal immigration regulations to keep many thousands of families from being separated is consistent with what the Catholic hierarchy, including Pope Benedict XVI, has long called for. The same can't be said for the approach advocated by the leading Republican presidential candidates - and in particular, Rick Santorum, despite the pro-family, Catholic values he has campaigned on.
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In a section on immigration, The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church says that "the right of reuniting families should be respected and promoted," citing the Holy See's 1983Charter of the Rights of Human Families, which states that "The families of migrants have the right to the same protection as that accorded other families."
Santorum disagrees with the U.S. Catholic bishops on immigration but, for the record, here is what the bishops have said about family unity and immigration law. According to the bishops:
It currently takes years for family members to be reunited through the family-based legal immigration system. This leads to family breakdown and, in some cases, illegal immigration. Changes in family-based immigration should be made to increase the number of family visas available and reduce family reunification waiting times.
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Pope Benedict XVI's cardinals: More Roman, less 'catholic'
David Gibson Jan.6, 2012
. . . . the larger story of Friday's appointments - and an indication of how the next conclave may play out - is that the German pope continued his pattern of stacking the College of Cardinals with Europeans (mainly Italians) and with leaders of the Roman curia, the papal bureaucracy whose officials are often considered more conservative than prelates in dioceses around the world.
This trend goes against the push by Benedict's predecessors, notably the late John Paul II, to "internationalize" the College of Cardinals and make it more representative of the global church. And it runs counter to the inexorable demographics of the church, which shows the number of Catholics growing in places like Africa, Asia, and Latin America, even as the faith barely treads water in North America and declines in Europe.
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But in light of this latest round of cardinal appointments, and given growing concerns about Benedict's health - he turns 85 in April - this set of electors may well be the men who eventually choose Benedict's successor. Their numbers suggest they may be just as likely to look to Europe once again rather than to the future church in the global South.
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Who Will Be the Next Pope?
Charles Keenan Jan.10, 2012
Two weeks ago, Pope Benedict XVI named twenty-two new cardinals, who will be formally appointed-"created," in Catholic parlance-during a consistory next month. The cardinal's hat is one of the highest honors that can be given in the Catholic Church, and although the office has become largely honorific over the centuries, the College of Cardinals remains the sole elector of popes when it meet in conclave.
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Benedict XVI has favored curialists-those who work in the Roman Curia, at the Vatican-over residential bishops, who serve in their respective dioceses. Fully one third of the electors in the next conclave will be these men who work, or have worked, in the Vatican. John Paul II's inclination had been to promote far more numbers of residential bishops than curialists. This newest group of cardinals demonstrates Benedict's own preferences: ten of the twenty-two hold offices in the curia.
What does all this mean for the next conclave? Given the numbers and composition of the Sacred College, we could posit that the next pope would likely be a European, and potentially a curialist. But conclaves are unpredictable. Though there are new trends we can see in Benedict's creations, these statistics could be meaningless the next time the cardinals are locked into the Sistine Chapel. Only time will tell.
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Three-year study of women religious completed; Vatican reviews results
Dennis Sadowski Jan.10, 2012
A three-year study of U.S. women religious called for by the Vatican has been completed with the final comprehensive report recently sent to Rome.
No details of the findings in what the church calls an apostolic visitation were released by Mother Mary Clare Millea, superior general of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the apostolic visitator appointed by the Vatican to undertake the study.
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, confirmed Jan. 10 that reports had been received by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life "and is now studying them."
"At this time, it is premature to expect comments from the congregation," he said.
The Vatican spokesman said the congregation is expected "to make known its evaluation of the results of the visit" at some future date.
The apostolic visitation office in Hamden, Conn., did not respond to several requests for an interview.
In a Jan. 9 press release, the visitation office said a comprehensive report was sent to Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, the congregation's secretary. In addition, the release said, Mother Clare had submitted most of the reports on each of the nearly 400 religious congregations in the U.S. and continues to work on completing them by spring, the release said.
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Various religions connect in dialogue in Nevada
ANI Jan.15, 2012
In a remarkable interfaith gesture, Catholic-Muslim-Hindu-Protestant-Buddhist-Jewish leaders today had a dialogue in Sparks (Nevada, USA) to explore connections among Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism.
This interfaith panel in the annual conference titled "We Do This Together" and organized by Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno, also compared, contrasted, and commented on similarities and differences between Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism and related stories about "the good that can and does happen when we work together within the diversity of our faith traditions."
Father Charles T Durante, Pastor of Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Community of Carson City, facilitated this dialogue, and the interfaith panel explored the obstacles in interfaith dialogue and how to overcome those successfully and work together for the common good.
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Christianity in Evolution
Paul Chaffee Jan.11, 2012
When non-Christian religious leaders around the world were invited to attend the 1893 World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, the letter asked them to come and share the wisdom of their traditions. It also promised that at the Parliament they would be able to perfect that wisdom through Jesus Christ. As the 20th century approached, in other words, the most open, liberal, progressive people of faith in America shared the assumption that their tradition was the truest and most important. Historically, the Catholic doctrine of "extra Ecclesiam nulla salus," or "outside the Church there is no salvation," makes the point categorically. But Catholics have had no corner on the notion that salvation is exclusively theirs, a claim ripe for setting peoples of faith and practice against each other.
One decade into the 21st century, pollsters tell us that more than two-thirds of religious folk in North America no longer think their truth the only truth. Shifting demographics have fueled this incredible change in attitude. But having new neighbors doesn't make the theological task any easier. How does one journey from "my faith is the only authentic faith" to openness, respect, and engagement with people of other faiths? Paul F. Knitter is one of a handful of leaders - Houston Smith, Marcus Braybrooke, John Cobb, and Diana Eck also come to mind - who have helped us answer that question. TIO interviewed Professor Knitter last month.
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Germans prefer the Dalai Lama over the Pope
Alessandro Alviani Jan.11, 2012
If Germans had to choose between the Dalai Lama and "their" Pope as a spiritual model from which to draw inspiration, they would choose the Tibetan spiritual leader without a doubt. This is according to the results of a survey carried out by the Forsa Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis, for weekly newspaper Stern, on newsstands from tomorrow, 12 January.
Just a third of federal citizens (32%) see Benedict XVI as a model; the Dalai Lama on the other hand is favoured by 69% of Germans and ranks third inthe list of individuals Germans consider to be exemplary figures. The former South African President and leader of the anti-apartheid movement Nelson Mandela takes first position (82%), followed by former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt (74%).
Even Chancellor Merkel did better than Benedict XVI. She is seen as a model figure by one out of two Germans (51%). Others who outdid the Pope, were U.S. President Barack Obama (64% and the national German football team coach,
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Bishops Hail Court Decision Upholding Religious Liberty
USCCB News Jan.11, 2011
"It's a great day for the First Amendment," said Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty.
Bishop Lori spoke January 11, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court voted unanimously to uphold a church's right to determine who its ministers are and banned government interference in the process.
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Is Tabor v EEOC decision "good" for religious freedom?
Bryan Cones Jan.12, 2012
The case in question involved a schoolteacher at Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church (MIssouri Synod), a "called" teacher, in that she provided religious instruction at the school. She also suffered from narcolepsy, and had to go on leave to deal with her condition. When she didn't return after six months, the school asked her to resign. She refused, citing the Americans with Disabilities Act, which would apply if she was not working for a religious institution. When the school terminated her, she threatened to sue under the ADA--and then the school fired her on religious grounds, claiming she had violated church teaching by not using the denominational grievance process and for suing other members of the church. Tabor invoked the "minister exemption," which allows a church to "discriminate" for religious reasons in hiring and firing.
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So the question: Is it a victory for religious freedom for a church to terminate a disabled employee for invoking the Americans with Disabilities Act? Perhaps for church institutions who don't want to be governed by such laws--but I'm not sure it looks good for the gospel. I can see the danger of letting the courts get into theology, but shouldn't church workers have some of the same basic protections--against discrimination on the basis of disability, for example--that other workers have? Or are we OK with a church management possibly trumping up a religious reason to get rid of someone?
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Email: "The Second Vatican Council an Explanation"
Dear All
I announce a new leaflet "The Second Vatican Council an Explanation". This has been produced by the websites www.vatican2voice.org and www.standup4vatican2.org.uk to provide a brief introduction to the Council. It can be used to stimulate discussion in parish, or informal groups, in schools or for distribution at meetings. It is not intended to be a full report of the Council just a short introduction which we hope will be useful for those many people who know little about the Council. This year in October we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Council and we hope that the leaflet will help people to understand a little about that great event.
If you are in touch with any other websites that might like to link to the above websites so that people can access the leaflet please tell them. The leaflet is free for all to download but the two producer websites would like a mention.
Good wishes
Bernard Wynne
Cardinal's profit mission and an FBI investigation into sale of church property
Jason Berry Jan.17, 2012
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In July 2003 Boston's then new archbishop Cardinal Seán O'Malley visited Rome seeking financial help to resolve 552 abuse cases. He met Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano and Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, then in charge of the Congregation for the Clergy, which oversees the liquidation of diocesan assets.
They gave O'Malley carte blanche to sell properties. In Boston, parish sit-ins ignited bad press and a deep slide in donations.
Cardinal Sodano saw profit horizons. He installed an under-secretary at the Vatican who fed information on closing churches to a New York company, the Follieri Group. Its vice-president was Andrea Sodano, a building engineer in Italy and a nephew of the cardinal. The cardinal greeted potential investors at a New York launch party.
The Follieri website promoted its ties to Vatican officials. Its business plan: find churches, buy low, sell high. When an investor sued Follieri for profligate spending, the FBI investigated.
Follieri had wired $387,000 to the Vatican Bank account of a lay staffer in cahoots with Andrea Sodano. Cardinal Sodano's nephew's invoices netted more than $800,000 for work the FBI deemed worthless. Raffaello Follieri today is in prison for fraud and money laundering
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Pope Benedict should empanel constitutional scholars to create a court system for criminal issues and church property. But first, he should sack Cardinal Sodano - now Dean of the College of Cardinals and who will oversee the election of the next Pope.
It would give some sign of papal belief that St Augustine was correct: justice is a virtue.
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Former Dominican takes on the 'inquisitor'
Review by John Greenleaf
by Matthew Fox
Published by Sterling Ethos
Matthew Fox, former Roman Catholic and now Episcopalian, has written more than thirty books. An early and impressive proponent of Creation Spirituality, he first caught my attention when he completed his doctorate, summa cum laude, at the Institut Catholique de Paris.
Fox's most recent book, The Pope's War: Why Ratzinger's Secret Crusade Has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be Saved, is a powerfully incisive critique of Pope Benedict XVI's reform strategy to shift the Catholic Church back to the nineteenth century.
As Matthew Fox outlines it, the current Ratzingerian reform relies on three powerful and secretive pillar organizations: Opus Dei, the Legionaires of Christ, and Communion and Liberation. No surprises here; but as Fox tells it, it becomes all the more unsettling. Power. Absolute power. And corruption. So very far from the humble man of God from Nazareth.
The most moving and upsetting part of Fox's book is its "martyrology" of the great "inquisitor's" enemies. The inquisitor of course: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Fox lists 91 men and women whose careers were either derailed or dead-ended because, in the judgment of Joseph Ratzinger's Inquisition, they said the wrong thing. Martyrs indeed, like the venerable German theologian, Bernhard Häring, who was the first theologian to be attacked by Ratzinger.
Häring, presented a dialogic approach to Catholic moral theology in Free and Faithful in Christ and The Law of Christ. Morality, he said, follows the pattern of faith, i.e., a dialogue. It rests not on obedience to the church but on the freedom of a person's conscience that acknowledges listening to God as the basis of value. "God speaks in many ways to awaken, deepen and strengthen faith, hope, love and the spirit of adoration. We are believers to the extent that, in all of reality and in all events that touch us, we perceive a gift and a call from God."
Häring, who experiencd a Nazi inquisition, said his inquisition under Cardinal Ratzinger's CDF was far more scary.
Put it on your spiritual reading list: The Pope's War by Matthew Fox.
Pope Benedict's Commandments
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New Translation of the Roman Missal
We recommend that you watch these sites during the transition to the new translation:
1. Misguided Missal
2. U.S. Catholic; Special Section on the New Liturgy
3. PrayTell blog
4. Louisville Liturgy Forum
Feedback on the new Mass: Our readers check in
US Catholic Online Editor Jan.13, 2012
As the first Sunday of Advent rolled around last November-and with it the revised English translations of the Mass-we askedU.S. Catholic readers and website visitors to do some in-the-congregation reporting about how it all turned out. What follows is a selection of their responses.
Let's keep the conversation going! Is everyone settling to a new Sunday "normal"-or is Mass still sometimes a bumpy ride? Watch later this year for a reader survey on the new translations.
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Upcoming Events
Day of Justice for Women in the Church
with Fr. Roy Bourgeois January 21, 2012
Presented by VOTF NY
Saint Bartholomew's Church Parish House, 325 Park Ave. at 50th Street in Manhattan. 1 - 4:30 p.m.
You are very warmly invited to attend this important event devoted to one of the foremost issues of social justice confronting the Catholic Church today... its treatment of women. The program will feature excerpts from the award-wining documentary, "Pink Smoke Over the Vatican," along with words from Roy and other presentations on justice for women. For information contact Francis X. Piderit
New Ways Ministry's Seventh National Symposium
to be held March 15-17, 2012
From Water to Wine: Lesbian/Gay Catholics and Relationships, New Ways Ministry's Seventh National Symposium, will be held March 15-17, 2012, in Baltimore, Maryland, Major speakers: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Luke Timothy Johnson, Patricia Beattie Jung, Richard Rodriguez, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. Bishop Geoffrey Robinson will facilitate a pre-symposium retreat day. Workshop topics: marriage equality, transgender issues, youth and young adults, lesbian nuns and gay priests/religious, Latino/a issues, African-American issues, and coalition building. For more information: info@NewWaysMinistry.org, (301) 277-5674 or www. NewWaysMinistries.org. |
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arcc-catholic-rights.net |
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